Baptist Leader Proposes Solution: Offer 'Carrot' to Mexico -- Then the 'Stick'
by Allie Martin
February 14, 2006
(AgapePress) - - An official with the nation's largest evangelical denomination says Christian leaders must deal with the issue of illegal immigration. Dr. Richard Land is president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. Land maintains that churches must find ways to address the issue of illegal immigration even as both major political parties often sidestep the issue.
|  Dr. Richard Land |
There is a consensus among Southern Baptists, says Land, that the nation must control its borders -- and not grant amnesty to illegal aliens. But then, he says, the consensus breaks down. The Southern Baptist leader suggests that the U.S. use the "carrot-and-stick" approach with Mexico. Land proposes the U.S. government offer Mexico a "massive economic plan" helping the Hispanic nation implement a plan that will bring hope and opportunity to its citizens so they do not feel the need to relocate to the U.S.
He then explains the "stick" part of his proposal. "And if you don't do these things," Land suggests saying to the Mexico government, "then there are some sticks that we can use as well -- and we're going to start sending people back to Mexico who have tasted what real freedom and democracy look like in the United States, and you're going to have a problem on your hands."
Mass deportation will not work, Land says. "The only way to really stop illegal immigration from Mexico [is this:] If they have opportunity and they have hope in Mexico, they're not going to be coming to the United States," he explains. "If they don't have hope and opportunity in Mexico, then they're going to be coming to the United States."
In conjunction with economic improvement, Land believes a "guest worker plan" is needed.
"They are breaking the law [when they come into the U.S illegally]," he says, "and that's why the Guest Worker Program would be so much better -- because then they would have some sort of legal status. They would have much more protection from being exploited."
Land believes Americans do not want the government to reward criminal behavior through an "amnesty program" for illegal aliens.
Allie Martin, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is a reporter for American Family Radio News, which can be heard online.