Pro-Family Leaders Call Summit for Disgruntled 'Values Voters'
by Bill Fancher
March 21, 2006
(AgapePress) - - A coalition of pro-family organizations has planned a "values voters" summit this fall because those voters are not happy with how Congress is treating their issues.A poll of values voters was recently commissioned by the Family Research Council to check the pulse of conservative Christians. FRC president Tony Perkins says there is plenty of unrest among that voting bloc. "Values voters are not real happy with what this Congress has been able to advance," says Perkins. "[T]hese are the same voters that helped expand the conservative majorities in 2004, but they're not real happy."
Perkins says the poll shows that 63 percent of values voters do not think Congress has done enough on issues such as marriage protection, indecency on network television, the culture of life, and expansion of gambling. In addition, according to the poll 69 percent want a constitutional amendment banning same-sex "marriage" -- an issue that has become bogged down in Congress.
 Tony Perkins | |
Recognizing the unrest among that group of voters, Perkins and other pro-family leaders are convening a gathering just prior to mid-term elections this fall to remind those running for office just what values voters expect. The "2006 Values Voter Summit" will take place in the nation's capital September 22-24, 2006. (Registration information is available at by four family advocacy groups -- FRC Action, Focus on the Family Action, Americans United to Preserve Marriage, and American Family Association Action -- the summit plans to address such topics as the continuing debate on abortion, the role of religion in public education and the role of the church in politics, the preservation of marriage, and the apparent indifference of the entertainment industry toward family values.
The summit will include speakers from among the conservative movement, breakout sessions, and a gala dinner. The gathering will conclude with a Sunday morning worship service.
Bill Fancher, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is a reporter for American Family Radio News, which can be heard online.