20 Reasons There Is Hope for America
by The Church Report
April 13, 2006
(AgapePress) - - If you believed everything you read in the liberal press, you would think that Christian leaders were actively working in Washington to dismantle our government and set up a theocracy, similar to that in Iran. The facts, however, say something different -- but one thing is clear: the old guard of Christian political involvement has some powerful new members.We looked at 20 of the top Christian "political" organizations in an attempt to see through the liberal smokescreen and see what old members were still in their seats of power, and who the young whippersnappers who had gained seats at the table were. The results, in no particular order, were quite eye-opening as the influence of these organizations is quietly being felt around the country, and their connections to each other are many and varied.
Read 'Special Report: Top 20 Christian Organizations'
The Family Research Council (FRC) is the powerhouse of Christian influence in Washington. Founded in 1983 by Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family, the FRC is led by former Louisiana state representative Tony Perkins. The FRC reportedly has the ear of many members of Congress, the White House, and Christians nationwide. FRC is actively involved in educating religious leaders about moral issues being affected by decisions in Washington, and also in representing those leaders directly to the decision makers themselves. You will find them well represented on news channels and radio stations nationwide, and at meetings where key strategies are planned -- like the Arlington Group.
The Arlington Group is a networking organization, similar to the conservative networking organization, the Council for National Policy. However it is limited in scope and only deals with moral values at risk in America. The assault on traditional marriage is a key area that the group, and its exclusive membership of around 100 leaders, focuses and coordinates on. Members include FRC's Tony Perkins, Focus on the Family's Dr. James Dobson and Rev. Rick Scarborough, head of the judicial-focused Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration (JCCCR).
The JCCCR is an outgrowth of years of work with churches nationwide by Rev. Rick Scarborough. He is a Baptist minister whose life was changed when he took a stand against pornographic sex education in his daughter's school. Today the JCCCR is an active presence on Capitol Hill and hosts regular conferences that attract key conservative leaders. Both Rev. Scarborough and the group's executive director Philip Jauregui, former legal counsel to Chief Justice Roy Moore, are a common sight on Capitol Hill. The JCCCR is a key driving force behind the "Values Voter Contract with Congress," which is also heavily supported by Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum and Ambassador Alan Keyes of RenewAmerica.
Eagle Forum -- led by the Margaret Thatcher of American conservatism, Phyllis Scholarly -- is a long-time force in Washington, DC. Based in both St. Louis and Washington, Phyllis Schafly's influence extends far beyond the halls of Congress as her opinion is held in high regard by most Christian organizations who work in "political" arenas. Her behind-the-scenes leadership has been a powerful voice of reason and experience as more and more Christians take the biblical mandate of societal involvement seriously. Key strategy sessions often find her and Ambassador Alan Keyes, former presidential candidate and the head of RenewAmerica, at the same table.
Ambassador Keyes' and RenewAmerica's influence is profound, and his ability to see through political pandering and cut to the heart of an issue being discussed is well documented. A key area where Ambassador Keyes pulls no punches is the issue of abortion -- and he has, on numerous occasions, been known for "calling the kettle black" when others in the room see a shade of gray. His direct comments are usually accompanied by nods of agreement from the others in the room, which reveals the deference this man is shown.
Sharing this passion for protecting the unborn, and often in the same room, is Father Frank Pavone, who heads Priests for Life and who is considered a key leader in the fight to protect life in America. Father Pavone is considered a go-to man on the life issue, and there is hardly a pro-life press conference or a meeting on the subject that does not have him in a prominent position. At those same meetings you will also usually find the presence of two lesser-known but very influential men, Rev. Rob Schenck of Faith and Action and Tom Smith of America 21.
Faith and Action has a solid presence on Capitol Hill from their offices right next door to the U.S. Supreme Court. Faith and Action is not a lobbying organization, however; it is specifically a missionary organization to Capitol Hill, but its influence is just as profound. Many days will find staff members in prayer sessions with decision makers in Washington, and their sharing of the gospel with those in power has changed lives for the better. A few houses down on the very same street you will find America 21. Tom Smith, the head of the group, is a quiet, focused individual whose legal expertise and outside-of-the-box thinking has made him a voice of reason and influence in many policy discussions and strategy sessions. He was a lead influence in the drafting of the Constitution Restoration Act, along with Herb Titus, former dean of Regent University, and is a profound force in the battle to protect innocent life in America that is daily raging in our courts.
Fighting the battle in our courts and found in many of the same strategy sessions are organizations such as the Alliance Defense Fund, Liberty Counsel, the Foundation for Moral Law, and the American Center for Law & Justice. These organizations actively work within the court system, fighting to protect the freedoms granted to American citizens by our founding documents.
The Alliance Defense Fund, led by Alan Sears, provides effective pro-bono legal defense on religious issues, as does Mat Staver's Liberty Counsel. Liberty Counsel led the recent fight in the U.S. Supreme Court to protect the display of the Ten Commandments in McCreary vs. ACLU, a court case that saw most of these top 20 organizations filing supporting amicus briefs. The American Center for Law & Justice, led by Jay Sekulow, is believed to have very close ties to the current White House, which sets it as quite different from, but just as powerful as, the Foundation for Moral Law, which was founded by former Chief Justice Roy Moore, who is currently running for Governor of Alabama and is not known as an establishment insider.
Equally as important as the direct hands-on fight in our nation's court system is the ongoing battle for the hearts and minds of the American people. This is where organizations like Joyce Meyer Ministries (JMM), the Center for Reclaiming America, and Vision Forum Ministries come into play -- and again, these organizations are well represented when decisions are made.
JMM's "Stand Up and Be Counted" program is reported to have over 140,000 active participants spread across the country. This program uses the web and direct email campaigns to deluge members of Congress on issues of moral importance, and also to educate Christians about their heritage, their freedoms, and their duty to protect both. Likewise, D. James Kennedy's Center for Reclaiming America is focused on both education and influence. Both organizations put a huge emphasis on educating people, and thus empowering them to make a difference.
Equally as focused on education, but with the emphasis of future leaders, is Vision Forum Ministries. Another non-lobbying organization that has made our list, Vision Forum is effectively raising up leaders and working to see that those who lead our country in the future are grounded in a biblical worldview. Led by Doug Phillips, son of Howard Phillips who still leads the Conservative Caucus and has the ear of many conservative leaders, Vision Forum is quietly making waves that will be felt in the coming decades.
Working alongside some of these organizations we find a couple of very effective Internet communication organizations that have had profound success in harnessing the power of the Internet. RightMarch.com and the American Family Association are found at most strategy sessions involving Christian organizations in Washington, DC, and their trademark is effectively activating concerned citizens using technology and the Internet. RightMarch.com is led by William Green and Phil Sheldon, and their involvement in the recent battles over Supreme Court nominees was quiet, yet profound, and contributed significantly to the confirmation of both Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito. The American Family Association led by Don Wildmon has an extensive reach into the lives of concerned Christians and has reportedly been quite effective both in Washington and in influencing corporate America.
Finally, we find both the Traditional Values Coalition and Concerned Women for America, which work hand in hand with many of these organizations and often are seated at the same table during key strategy sessions.
The Traditional Values Coalition, led by Rev. Lou Sheldon, is currently having a profound influence through educational efforts on Capitol Hill. Also working on Capitol Hill on similar issues is Concerned Women for America, the brainchild of Beverly LaHaye, which educates and activates women from across the country and, at the same time, employs a staff of highly effective activists in Washington.
Today, these are the top 20 Christian political organizations in America, along with an honorable mention for the Conservative Caucus.
These names are always changing -- more will be added, some will fade -- but one thing is true: these organizations are organized and are working together like never before towards common goals and moral purposes. Their agenda is that which they see in the Word of God -- and Catholics, Protestants, Baptists, and others are working hand in hand to ensure that our nation continues to be a nation where the freedom to acknowledge God and promote morality to our children is a freedom honored and protected for generations to come.
This article is reprinted with the permission of The Church Report.