Liberty Counsel, PFOX Join Forces to Spread Truth About Homosexuality
by Allie Martin
April 18, 2006
(AgapePress) - - A Christian law firm is teaming up with a national organization to help public school students proclaim the truth about homosexuality and the hopeful message that change is possible for those struggling with same-sex attractions.
On the eve of the "Day of Silence" -- a nationwide pro-homosexual observance scheduled for April 26 -- the Orlando, Florida-based legal group Liberty Counsel and the national advocacy group Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX) are conducting a joint effort called the "Change is Possible Campaign." This outreach focuses on public schools, which the two groups believe have been targeted by homosexual activists eager to promote their lifestyle to school children.
As part of this effort, students will be encouraged to take a "Tolerance Test" and to distribute literature and put up posters spreading the message that ex-homosexuals do exist. The students are also being encouraged to report to Liberty Counsel the results of their "Change is Possible Campaign" activities.
Mat Staver, president of Liberty Counsel, says public schools across America have become ground zero for homosexual activists and their efforts to indoctrinate young people into their lifestyle. Advocates of same-sex activity may encourage young people to experiment while downplaying the dangers of such premature and aberrant sexual initiations.
 Mat Staver | |
"Unfortunately," Staver notes, "when youths as young as kindergarteners or in second grade on up get indoctrinated with the view that they ought to engage in homosexual activity to determine their sexual identity -- that it's normal, it's natural, and everyone's doing it -- they ultimately, when they go down that path, can become emotionally and physically damaged because they don't know the full story."That "full story" is rarely heard in America's public schools, the head of Liberty Counsel points out. Instead, he asserts, tolerance is promoted there, but it is not practiced when it comes to students that want to openly proclaim the truth about homosexuality.
"I think it's important for youth in America to get the full message," Staver says, "to get the other side of the message instead of being discriminated against because they have a moral and Christian or pro-family view -- instead of being discriminated against because they're saying that you can in fact change."
Young people who hold these views have many times faced intimidation and censorship at school and have too often gone without support, the pro-family attorney observes. "We want to give that backing to them, from both a Liberty Council and a PFOX perspective," he says, "and so we're launching this 'Change is Possible' campaign all across the country."
Staver says students participating in the "Change is Possible Campaign" will be provided with a "Students' Rights" brochure, sample graphics to use to create their own literature, relevant health statistics, and a list of groups that affirm an individual's decision to leave homosexuality. These youth will also be encouraged to start "Gay to Straight Clubs" at their schools, he adds.
Allie Martin, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is a reporter for American Family Radio News, which can be heard online.