'Conservative Pride' Celebrated in Sun Devil Country
by Jim Brown
April 24, 2006
(AgapePress) - - Conservative students at Arizona State University says they're fighting for their own opinions to be heard and respected on campus. They recently promoted a celebration focusing on the need for more academic diversity at the school. The College Republicans (CRs) at ASU have just wrapped up their second annual "Conservative Pride Week." Last Monday (April 17) the group observed "Conservative Coming-Out Day," which featured members of the College Republicans and other conservatives coming out of an actual closet to happily proclaim their beliefs without fear of liberals on campus. On Tuesday the CRs held an "Anti-United Nations Day" in which students tossed water balloons at a picture of U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan.
On Wednesday, conservatives celebrated "Border Security Si Se Puede" day in protest of illegal immigration. Thursday was "Academic Diversity and Political Incorrectness Day," which was highlighted by a speech from conservative author David Horowitz on the topics of academic freedom and his new book, Professors.
Hieu Tran, director of public relations for the CRs, says there is a need for more conservative professors on campus -- especially in the political science department. In addition, he noted that a majority of columnists writing for the university newspaper are liberal.
"We have about two conservative columnists on the entire editorial board," he submits. "And I think that what really needs to happen is that conservatives need to be able to be a part of the university, an open part of the university, to have their viewpoints be expressed as well."
Reaction to the Conservative Pride Week has generally been positive, says Tran. "A lot of people are coming up, thanking us for doing this, because they're going to classes and they're hearing the other side -- but they're not hearing any of our side, the views of our side," he explains. "So they appreciate what we're doing."
"We're bringing out issues into the mainstream," Tran continues. "Also, a lot of liberals and other people in our community are coming up and saying, 'Well, why are you doing this?' And we're just saying, 'This is for debate.'"
Tran says people have not been talking lately about the corruption in the United Nations. But now they are because of the College Republicans.
Jim Brown, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is a reporter for American Family Radio News, which can be heard online.