Judge's Order Keeps Embattled Florida Drug Rehab Ministry Open For Now
by Allie Martin
May 26, 2006
(AgapePress) - - A Florida ministry for men working to overcome addictions and other problem behaviors was targeted for closure by county officials; but now that a Christian legal group has intervened on its behalf, that faith-based rehabilitation program is no longer scheduled for eviction. For several years now, Men of Destiny Ministries (MDM) has operated what it describes as a drug "regeneration" program in St. Cloud, Osceola County, Florida. The ministry is a one-year residential discipleship program that requires participating men to work regular jobs and live in a 6,300-square-foot home operated by the ministry, where they receive biblical counseling, therapy, and education.
Last month, the Osceola County Commission voted to shut down MDM because it was operating a drug rehabilitation program in a residential area. Commissioners gave the ministry 45 days to shut its doors or else face hefty fines. MDM sought help from Liberty Counsel, a pro-family legal organization, which filed suit against the County.
Last week, Liberty Counsel asked Judge Gregory Presnell to stop Osceola County officials from shutting down the rehab program. Now, thanks to the federal judge's order, MDM will not have to shut down its operations while the trial is expedited to a court date in late July.
 Mat Staver | |
Liberty Counsel founder and chairman Mat Staver says Presnell saw through the County's arguments. "He said he thought he understood what was happening here," the lawyer notes. "It was the so-called NIMBY syndrome or the 'not in my backyard' syndrome." The judge went on to point out that Osceola County's professional zoning staff actually recommended approving MDM's operation in the residential area, Staver says, "but then "politics and political pressure from some neighbors began to influence the elected officials, and they voted against this ministry simply because of pre-conceived stereotypes." Presnell even observed that the 45-day warning given to MDM appeared to be "vindictive."
According to Liberty Counsel, neighbors in the community surrounding MDM had made comments like, "once a drug addict, always a drug addict," and Staver believes these individuals' attitudes strongly influenced Osceola County to rescind its approval of the Christian drug program. However, he says more people need to understand that organizations like MDM serve a strategic purpose in a community.
"Christian ministries deserve a place," the Liberty Counsel founder asserts. "Christian ministries oftentimes are the only ones that can meet a need for people who are caught up in addictive behaviors," he says, "because it's only through the power of Jesus Christ that you can be set free."
That is why Liberty Counsel was happy to help defend MDM, Staver adds. "Once you have these zoning officials that try to stop these Christian ministries, we need to vigorously defend their religious liberties, because they are needed ministries in our communities," he says.
Liberty Counsel will be representing MDM again when the ministry goes back to court to resolve its fight with Osceola County. The trial has been set for July 26.
Allie Martin, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is a reporter for American Family Radio News, which can be heard online.