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Parents of Fallen Marine Ask Bush to Federalize Mt. Soledad Memorial Site

by James L. Lambert
June 12, 2006
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(AgapePress) - - The parents of a Marine who died in Iraq last November say that they would like the National Park Service to take over the Mt. Soledad war memorial site in La Jolla, a suburb of San Diego, California.

Robert and Sybil Martino are requesting that two military veterans currently in Congress -- Senator John McCain and Representative Duncan Hunter -- approach President Bush on this matter. The war memorial site, constructed in 1954, includes a 29-foot cross which is the center of a 17-year legal dispute involving an atheist, his lawyer James McElory, and the City of San Diego.

The Martino's son, Captain Michael Martino, 32, was killed in action in Iraq when his Cobra helicopter was shot down by a Russian shoulder-mounted SA-16 surface-to-air missile. According to the Martinos, their "son's Camp Pendleton [Oceanside, California] unit, which recently returned from Iraq, dedicated a plaque at Mt. Soledad to honor [their] son ...." They both have expressed "the feelings of honor [they] felt at having their son memorialized for all time under the cross at Mt. Soledad" -- and add that "there is no better place on the West Coast to honor our fallen heroes than under that cross overlooking the country they fought and died to preserve ...."

Mr. Marino states that "this cross has been in existence [in one form or another] since 1913" and, in response to an atheist's lawyer who wants the cross removed, the elder Martino said that the Soledad cross "is no more an affront to personal beliefs than the thousands of crosses at Arlington [National Cemetery]."

Since his death, Captain Martino was posthumously awarded a Purple Heart and promoted to the rank of Marine Major. His mother says "Michael always had a fascination with flying," and his father characterizes his son "as a determined young man who was focused and always gave it his all." The young Martino graduated from the University of California, San Diego before enlisting in the Marine Corps.

According to Marine Major Thomas Dolan, Michael Martino "routinely demonstrated valor and poise despite the chaos of [war] .... He did a lot of dangerous work yet ... [Captain Martino] always played down what he did."

Colonel Weidley, Martino's commanding officer, said in a letter to his parents that their son "performed his duties above expectations .... He was always in the books, studying his aircraft, weapon systems and the enemy. [He was] one of the smartest pilots we have .... Sacrifice, selfless service, and uncommon valor are the staples of this generation of American service members, to which Mike was a part. We miss him terribly. He will never be forgotten."

On May 10, 300 of his comrades from Camp Pendleton commemorated Major Martino's legacy atop Mt. Soledad. Without media coverage, a plaque was dedicated to his memory. The Martinos see this site as a fitting tribute to their son. Yet they are disturbed that one atheist would be allowed by the courts to dismantle a cross that is a significant part of the historical San Diego war memorial.

In a letter to Senator John McCain, the Martinos asked: "Is it fair to the majority and to those who have served or have fallen in the service for our nation who wish to keep the cross to appease a few who look to strip all religion from our country under a false interpretation of the separation of church and state? Our son died with a strong belief that he was fighting to preserve the freedom of all Americans."

Robert and Sybil Martino are asking Congressman Hunter, Senator McCain, and newly elected Representative Brian Bilbray to help persuade the White House to federalize the site, thus making it a national war memorial. "Please let us have our freedom from activist judges and their personal interpretation of our Constitution," they plead in conclusion.

James L. Lambert, a frequent contributor to AgapePress, is a licensed real-estate mortgage loan sales agent and can be contacted through his website.

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