Four Men and No 'Maybe' -- They're Rockin' for God
by Tracy Goodwin
June 12, 2006
(AgapePress) - - For four men, the idea of sitting around and just playing music has taken on a whole new meaning in the last few years. The story starts a few years ago when two men, Mike Beloud and Steve Rogers (who was being mentored by Jorge Ramirez), were taking a class at church. As they sat and talked about their pasts, they all learned they had more in common than their love for Christ.
"It turned out that the three of us were 80's rockers in bands that played around the L.A. club scene," said Beloud. "Former members Matt and Russell were also musicians in the 70's." So after finding this striking similarity between them, they began getting together for "fun and fellowship with no real thought of our music becoming any more than that."
Rogers then surprised them all by writing songs that had to be sung. The first CD, "Through the Son," which was released in 2002, contains the first 12 songs the group did together.
Matt and Russell left the band because they were at different places in their lives, according to Beloud. "They moved on to do other things early on in the recording process of 'Through the Son,' but still remain dear friends to us. God just called us to serve in different ways."
For some time, it was just Rogers, Beloud and Ramirez. It was not until their CD began taking off that the need for a new drummer became more pronounced. They had had to turn down several offers to perform because they did not have one.
"We prayed and searched for a long time and in 2003, out of the blue, God dropped Mike Partain into our mix," Beloud said. "We often comment on what an amazing job God did picking the perfect blend/balance of personalities to make this band work.
"When one or two of us is losing our minds, there is always at least one or two others to help us retrieve our sanity! We have become like brothers."
 Members of Rise (left to right): Mike Partain (drums), Mike Beloud (guitar), Jorge Ramirez (bass), and Steve Rogers (vocal). In Cologne, Germany, where they performed at World Youth Day 2005. |
Unlike most bands that hope and dream for the big spotlight, Rise has a different focus. They have no plans of ever being signed to a record label or becoming huge rock stars.
According to Beloud, they are seeking another path. "We [want] the freedom to blaze our own trail and have a great time doing it. We went through all those rock star dreams in the 80's and for us that aspect is over. Now we want to be able to focus 100 percent on the ministry, not on selling a million CDs."
More than anything, this band is watching miracles when people learn the background of their faith, Catholicism. Beloud said it challenges people's preconceived notions of Catholics.
One of the notions that they battle are the ideas that all Catholic music is very traditional. There are actually not very many Catholic rock bands out there. "Things are changing -- it's fun to be on the grassroots of this genre of music," Beloud said.
"Rise is on an ecumenical mission to unite Christians, not divide," he said. "The devil laughs at us when Christians bicker and fight amongst ourselves, because while we are busy doing that, he is busy wreaking havoc around us.
"We want to be remembered for our positive Christian music, but more importantly for trying our very best to walk the walk and be a uniting force in God's service. Tough times are coming, and as Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we need to be ready."
When asked what their favorite scriptures were, they stated that it depends largely on where they are with their walk with God when they open the Bible.
"No matter how many times we open up the Bible, a different scriptural message will stand out depending on what God knows we need to hear at that moment in time," Beloud said.
Currently, the scripture that is standing out to them is Revelation 3:15-16: "I know your works: I know that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth."
Beloud said that the "one thing Rise never wants is to be accused of having a lukewarm faith!"
The stress of being in the spotlight and constantly busy can have its effect on anyone, and the members of Rise are no exception. But Rise occasionally gets a special "pick-me-up" that many bands do not get: constant encouragement from their fans.
"It never fails that just about the time we may be getting discouraged or tired, an e-mail or letter comes through, saying 'Your music changed/saved my life ...' or 'I listen to your CDs to put me in the right frame of mind for the day ...,'" Beloud said. He also added though that people need to remember that it is not their music, it is God's. But the encouragement they get from these messages gives them encouragement and strength when they continue to work for God through their music.
The majority of Rise's concerts are put on for free. Their belief is that they are performing for God and not themselves. It also does not matter where they perform. They are willing to travel and only request a small stipend for travel and accommodations to help offset their costs.
And there are no borders when it comes to Rise. They have already traveled to Germany, and in 2008 they will be traveling to Australia to perform.
When they perform, they basically desire one thing: that people will leave touched by God. Said Beloud: "We want people to leave saying, 'If God can take four average Joes like this, knuckleheads even, and change their hearts, change their lives, then He can work miracles in my life, too!'"
That is exactly what happened to a man in California one year ago. Hector Lopez went to hear their music at his church fiesta and was touched by their music in a way that changed his life forever.
"Their music changed my life in many ways, but the biggest way it changed my life is by getting involved in my church because of their music," said Lopez. "I started to teach a junior high program and I also joined the youth program at my church. Their music inspired me to go and teach to young people the important way of our Catholic faith."
Before the concert, however, his faith was not as strong as it should have been. "I now go to church every Sunday and I am involved in my church. But the biggest thing that has changed is that if it wasn't for their music, I would have lost my faith."
In the future, Rise wants to do something different. They want to encourage other young Christian artists by opening their own recording studio where they can mentor them.
Tracy Goodwin is publisher of in Prattville, Alabama. More information on Rise is available at their website.