California Activist Hopeful Governor Vetoes Pro-Homosexual Education Bills
by Jim Brown and Jody Brown
August 9, 2006
(AgapePress) - - A pro-family activist warns that California's State Assembly will likely pass a bill tomorrow that will turn every government-run school in the state into a sexual indoctrination center.
The bill, sponsored by lesbian state senator Sheila Kuehl, would have required public schools to study homosexual historical figures. But Kuehl and her supporters, fearing a certain veto from Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, have now amended SB 1437 to prohibit teachers and textbooks from "reflecting adversely" on individuals because of their sexual orientation. The Los Angeles Times reports, however, that even with the changes, the governor has provided "no encouraging signal that he would change his mind" about vetoing the legislation. Schwarzenegger's press secretary stated the governor will not sign a bill "that micromanages curriculum that is better left to the state Board of Education."
 Randy Thomasson | |
Randy Thomasson, who heads the Sacramento-based Campaign for Children and Families (CCF), says recent amendments -- which Kuehl says gutted about 90 percent of the "import" of the bill -- are merely window dressing. SB 1437, he says, "continues to require every textbook, all instructional materials, all school-sponsored activities to positively portray transsexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality, including homosexual marriages, to six million California schoolchildren" -- some as young as kindergarten.Thomasson has described Keuhl's legislation as a "sexual-agenda bomb dressed up as a child-caring Easter egg." He contends that pro-homosexual legislators, such as Keuhl, want voters to believe SB 1437 merely updates school anti-discrimination policies by incorporating such terms as "gender" -- which the CCF leader says includes transsexuality and transvestitism -- and "sexual orientation" -- which means bisexuality and homosexuality, he notes.
"But the bill is ultimately about requiring transsexual, bisexual, and homosexual textbooks, instruction, and school activities," says Thomasson, "because not promoting these sexual lifestyles would 'reflect adversely' on them."
According to the family advocate, Californians have more than just one education bill to be concerned about. "The State Assembly of California will likely pass SB 1437 and SB 1441, the second bill, which will force Christian colleges and universities in California to promote transsexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality," he says. "It's a torrid flood of immorality that's being pushed by the Democrats in California."
CCF is also calling on Governor Schwarzenegger to veto AB 606 and AB 1056, which Thomasson describes as two more "school sexual indoctrination" bills -- both of which were expected to pass out of Senate committee this week. But the governor may decide not to veto any of the pro-homosexual legislation if he does not hear from pro-family Californians, notes Thomasson.
AB 606 would authorize the state superintendent of education to withhold state funds from any district that does not adequately promote transsexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality in its school policies. AB 1056 would authorize expenditure of a quarter-million taxpayer dollars to promote those aberrant sexual lifestyles under the banner of "tolerance education."