Weyrich: GOP Still Tops on Social Issues
by Bill Fancher
August 18, 2006
(AgapePress) - - A leading conservative says he's not ready to endorse a proposal for pro-family individuals to leave the Republican Party. There's a better way to protest, says Paul Weyrich. One of the architects of the "Reagan Revolution," Richard Viguerie, feels the conservative ideals have been betrayed by the current GOP leadership -- and he wants true conservatives to leave the party. But Weyrich, chairman and CEO of the Free Congress Foundation, says there has been betrayal in one area.
|  Paul Weyrich |
"If you're talking about spending and making the government smaller, clearly the liberals have won the day there," he acknowledges. A case can also be made, he says, in the area of foreign policy. But when it comes to social issues, Weyrich asserts no case of betrayal can be made. "George W. Bush has made more progress than any of his predecessors combined" in the area of social issues, says Weyrich, who is considered one of the conservative movement's "more vigorous thinkers."
So how do disgruntled conservatives voice their frustrations with the GOP, short of bolting the party? Weyrich suggests instead of making a donation to the Republican Party, that individuals send a check to a conservative organization -- then forward a copy to the GOP. He believes that will get the message across.
"That really gets their attention because, as long as the money keeps coming in, they really don't care what the rest of us think," he states. "But when the money stops and they start getting that kind of a message, then they definitely will pay attention."
Weyrich says this method has proven to be the best way to produce change.
Bill Fancher, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is a reporter for American Family Radio News, which can be heard online.