Wal-Mart's Popularity May Not Shield Retailer from Pro-Family Backlash
by Ed Thomas and Jenni Parker
August 31, 2006
(AgapePress) - - An Internet news report cites retailer Wal-Mart's self-assurance that customer traffic will be unaffected by its new alliance with the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. Conservative groups are hoping to shake the retailer's confidence by appealing to the family values of American consumers.
Reaction continue to come in from pro-family leaders concerned about Wal-Mart's new business and ideological partnership with the homosexual lobby. Cybercast News Service reported on criticism of the move by the Family Research Council (FRC), Americans for Truth and other groups. FRC president Tony Perkins connects the company's recent moves to the fact that the company has been "under assault from the far left" for some time.
|  Tony Perkins |
Perkins calls Wal-Mart's decision to join the NGLCC "an apparent concession to the heat from the radical left." He says it is unfortunate that Wal-Mart has "joined forces with an organization whose mission opposes many of the values shared by rural and small-town America" when the company has traditionally prided itself in promoting the interests of average Americans.While this apparent "surrendering to the radical homosexual lobby" appears to be a done deal, Perkins points out that it is not too late for pro-family citizens to express their disappointment with this recent decision by Wal-Mart executives. However, as Cybercast News reports, a corporate spokesman for the company claims Wal-Mart's popularity should trump any cultural controversy.
American Family Association (AFA) founder Don Wildmon says the Wal-Mart spokesman's statement shows that the company has forgotten the conservative base on which it was built. "In essence," he asserts, "translated, this is what the said: 'We're so big, nobody can hurt us. We can do whatever we want to do, and nobody's going to hurt us, because we're the largest retailer in the world.'"
 Dr. Don Wildmon | |
Wildmon's group is one of a handful of organizations that are asking shoppers to contact the company's corporate offices and talk to local store managers, expressing objections to the partnership. The Tupelo, Mississippi-based AFA is also urging pro-family shoppers to buy specific items at stores other than Wal-Mart, in order to start taking small bites out of the corporate giant's presumed unassailable revenue stream.The AFA website indicates that Wal-Mart's affiliation with the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce involves giving the NGLCC $25,000 and agreeing to pay for two conferences scheduled by the NGLCC. The company will also give homosexual retailers and businesses preferred status, and will also be helping the commerce organization promote same-sex "marriage."
"Wal-Mart has blatantly thrown it into the face of the Christian conservative," Wildmon contends, and has, in effect, told the public that it is going to help promote the homosexual agenda. And, he says, the retailer has gone on to say to pro-family Americans, "We're so large, you can't do anything about it."
However, Wildmon does not believe Wal-Mart is too big to be affected by its pro-family customers. "If enough people decide that they can buy a gallon of milk for a nickel more down the road a half a mile, they'll think twice about their support for the homosexual lobby," he says.