Moral Issues Now Political Issues As Well, Says FRC's Perkins
by Jim Brown
September 22, 2006
(AgapePress) - - Conservative activists and politicians concerned about the moral direction of America are meeting in the nation's capital this weekend for what's being called a "Values Voter Summit."More than 1,500 people are expected to attend the "Washington Briefing" to learn how they can help influence public policy in favor of traditional conservative ideals. The event is sponsored by the Family Research Council, Focus on the Family, and the American Family Association. FRC president Tony Perkins says the conference aims to put pro-family issues, such as the preservation of traditional marriage, on the front burner before elected officials and policy makers.
|  Tony Perkins |
"When we see the risk that is still there to marriage and the efforts to redefine it, marriage will be at the top of the list" to be discussed along with other issues, Perkins promises. "The preservation of human life ... we've got the issue of embryonic stem-cell research. We've got pornography, sex trafficking -- just a number of issues ... that would fall under that category of values issues ...."Speakers slated to appear at the Summit include former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, former presidential candidate Gary Bauer, and conservative commentator Ann Coulter. Perkins is hopeful those attending the three-day conference (Sept. 22-24) will be mobilized to make a difference in the issue areas addressed. Among those who he hopes will be motivated are church leaders, who he feels have a responsibility to speak on those topics.
"These are the moral issues of our day," he emphasizes. "These issues have been politicized simply because politicians and others have come in and made them political issues, but long before they were political these were moral issues -- and they remain moral issues." And according to the FRC leader, if anyone can speak with authority to these issues, it is spiritual leaders -- "and that's the pastors of our nation," he says.
Other speakers at the event include White House spokesman Tony Snow and Senators George Allen and Sam Brownback, as well as Fox News commentator Sean Hannity.
Jim Brown, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is a reporter for American Family Radio News, which can be heard online.