Anti-Bush Ad, Call for Ouster 'Treasonous,' Says Bauer
by Chad Groening
October 5, 2006
(AgapePress) - - Gary Bauer says it's a sign of the sickness on the political left that several high-profile Hollywood personalities, college professors, and even members of Congress would endorse the efforts of a far-left group calling for the overthrow of the Bush administration.The group calls itself the Alliance for Global Justice. Beside supporting the return of the communist Sandinistas to power in Nicaragua, the organization has taken out full-page newspaper ads that read: "The world can't wait! Drive out the Bush regime!" The ad claims that "regime" is "setting out to radically remake society very quickly, in a fascist way, and for generations to come" -- and calls for people to take off work and school to participate in massive protest rallies across the country today.
See the full-page ad
[PDF]Pro-family activist and American Values president Gary Bauer believes the Alliance's ad border on treason. "If that's not treasonous, I don't know what is," he says, "because the ad comes very close to directly advocating violence or some other activity other than voting."
|  Gary Bauer |
The former presidential candidate says Christians need to see the ad to understand what would happen should they decide to stay home and not vote. In fact, Bauer wishes he could show the ad to every church in America."It would really concentrate the mind of faith-based voters to realize what we're up against if we walk away from the political process and [allow] the control of American political institutions [to fall] into the hands of these people," he says. "I think it's unbelievable that Hollywood actors and stars would sign on to something like that."
Endorsers of the ad include actors Jane Fonda, Sean Penn, Jessica Lange, and Ed Asner; civil rights activists Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton; feminist Gloria Steinem; anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan; controversial educator Ward Churchill; and House Democrats John Conyers of Michigan, Maxine Waters of California, Major Owens of New York, and Cynthia McKinney of Georgia.
Chad Groening, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is a reporter for American Family Radio News, which can be heard online.