Poll Shows Many Americans Wary of Islam
by Chad Groening
January 4, 2007
(AgapePress) - - A pro-family organization has published the early results of an online survey dealing with Islam. The poll shows an overwhelming number of respondents have an unfavorable opinion of that religion. The online survey, found on the website of the American Family Association (AFA.net), asks nine questions, including: "Do you consider Islam to be a tolerant religion?", "Would it be good for America to have more Muslims in elected offices?", and "As a general rule, are women treated better in America than in a Muslim country?"
Randy Sharp, director of special projects for AFA, explains the reason for conducting the survey. "Islam is a growing religion in America, [and] it is concerning for a great many people," says Sharp. "And this [poll] gives everyone an opportunity to share their opinion and let us know how they feel."
According to the AFA spokesman, the survey was initially sent via e-mail to his organization's supporters, who were asked to do more than just take the poll themselves. "[We encouraged] them to forward the message on and get an opinion of a broader America, letting us know how they feel about Islam, about the Muslims in America, about their influence on society and their influence in politics."
Sharp says while he is not surprised that early results have not been favorable toward Islam, he thinks the poll represents a broad spectrum of the American public. "I don't think that this is a 'Christianized' poll or a poll just for the Christian religion, but it's a poll that encompasses a broad range of Americans from all backgrounds and walks of life."
The poll will remain online through January 15. Sharp says he does not expect the final percentages will be much different than they are currently.
Chad Groening, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is a reporter for American Family Radio News, which can be heard online.