Abortion Mill Closed Temporarily After Botched Abortion
by Staff
March 5, 2007
ENGLEWOOD, New Jersey, (christiansunite.com) -- A New Jersey abortion mill, Metropolitan Medical Associates, has been closed by the state for "deficient care. . .including but not limited to infection control, instruments, equipment used for sterilization of patient care use items and the processing of equipment." The order to close indicated that the mill posed an "immediate and serious risk of harm to patients."Unsafe conditions at Metropolitan, one of New Jersey's largest abortion mills, came to the attention of the New Jersey State Department of Health and Senior Services when employees of a Newark hospital reported them after treating a woman with a botched abortion.
Closures of this nature are extremely rare in New Jersey, but even so, this is the second time this clinic has been closed for health violations. The first time was in 1993.
"Women need to be warned about this abortion chop- shop," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "But they also need to understand that the problem of unsafe conditions is a systemic problem in the abortion industry. If every abortion mill in the U.S. was inspected and required to meet the same minimum safety standards that every other outpatient surgical center must meet, very, very few abortion mills would be able to stay in business."
The clinic is referring patients to a Hackensack abortion mill owned by the same people. The receptionist is telling callers that they plan to reopen on Tuesday after "renovations."
"The reopening will depend on the Department of Health not the abortion mill," said Newman. "Every day that mill is closed is a day of reprieve for hundreds of innocent children.
"We pray it will never reopen. To allow them back in business would be akin to swabbing out the hold of a slave ship, then placing the state's stamp of approval on it so it could continue to inflict more human misery. The Metropolitan mill is a proven danger to women and babies, and should be permanently closed."