A Mysterious Headache
by Staff
July 2, 2007
ANDHRA PRADESH, INDIA (christiansunite.com) -- A severe pain suddenly hit Giri's head. It would not go away and became distractingly painful. Even the slightest noise made his head hurt. He could not find the reason for the head pain-and he became desperate for relief as it dragged on for one and a half years.After multiple trips to medical doctors and the village witch doctors, Giri's family was relieved to hear about Gospel for Asia missionary Saju. He was in their village, telling about a God named Jesus.
Giri's family took him to a meeting that Pastor Saju was holding and asked the missionary to pray for him. The family began attending church services, too, so they could find out more about the message Saju was bringing their village.
After continued prayer, Giri was completely healed from the agonizing head pain. What medicine had been unable to do, Jesus had done.
Giri and his family received salvation and have decided to follow Christ. Giri requests prayer that he and his family will grow in Christ, and that his healing will be a testimony to many in their village.