Dangerous Abortionist Resurfaces at Troubled NJ Abortion Mill
by Staff
July 16, 2007
ATLANTIC CITY, New Jersey, (christiansunite.com) -- An abortionist who had his medical license revoked in two states and was disciplined in two others has resurfaced as the abortionist of record at the latest New Jersey abortion mill to be closed by the state for health and safety violations.Stephen Chase Brigham told a reporter of the "The Press of Atlantic City" that he was doing abortions at Alternatives in Atlantic City, New Jersey on June 8 and 15, just before the state closed the abortion mill for violations that included a lack of a scrub sink and hot water for over a year, among other dangerous conditions. Brigham is in the process of buying the abortion clinic.
Brigham has been under investigation and discipline throughout his entire 20-year career. He voluntarily retired his medical license in Pennsylvania while under investigation just six years after graduating from Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1986. Since then, Brigham had medical licenses revoked in New York and Florida, and received disciplinary action in California and New Jersey. He served 120 days in jail in 1998 for Medicaid fraud.
Brigham lost his New York license after lacerating the cervix, uterine artery and uterus of a 20-year old patient and taking hours to realize it. The patient eventually suffered an emergency hysterectomy in what the Heath Department described as a 'life-threatening' incident in which Brigham did not seem to understand the severity of the situation.
A New Jersey judge ordered Brigham to stop advertising his abortions as "painless" and "safe."
"What we see in New Jersey is a 'perfect storm' for disaster," said Operation Rescue spokesperson Cheryl Sullenger. "We have a seedy abortion mill with dangerous conditions being taken over by a shoddy abortionist with a history of trouble a mile long. Women who go to these places have no idea what kind of danger they are walking into."
"Stephen Brigham is a menace to the safety of women and their pre-born babies," said Sullenger. "If he isn't qualified to practice in two states, he isn't qualified to practice in any. We call on the State of New Jersey to keep Alternatives permanently closed and ban Brigham from the medical profession in the interest of public safety."
About Operation Rescue
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.