Christian Converts Attacked by Muslims in Bangladesh
by Staff
July 19, 2007
( - Ten Christian converts from Islam were bound with ropes in their homes and beaten by Muslim villagers armed with bricks and wooden clubs in Nilphamari district, Bangladesh on June 26, according to a July 3 report from Compass Direct. Several believers required hospitalization and one house was destroyed in the attack. The Muslims gave the believers an ultimatum to leave the village within twenty-four hours and threatened to kill two of them. The deadline xpired without incident, however.
Police have stationed a special protective team in the village of Durbachari for three months in order to allow the converts to stay in their homes and continue to work in the area. Their children, however, can no longer attend the Islamic school, the only local educational institution.
Pray that these believers will set Christ apart as Lord and not be controlled by fear because of these kinds of attacks (1 Peter 3:14-17). Ask God to enable Christian parents to demonstrate an unwavering commitment to Christ so that their children will be encouraged to walk closely with Him (Deuteronomy 11:18-20, 2 Timothy 1:5).
Pray that those who persecute Christians in Bangladesh will come to know Christ as Lord.
For more information on persecution in Bangladesh, go to