Vote Life, Canada! Salutes Canada's Five Newest Archbishops Returning from Rome but Pleads with Them to Desist from Their Hypocrisy for the Sake of Canada's Unborn
by Staff
July 19, 2007
( -- No less than five new Canadian Archbishops are currently being welcomed back from Rome after special ceremonies with the Pope.However, Vote Life, Canada! President Eric Alcock protests that the Bishops regularly travel to Rome, kissing the Pope's hand, and enjoying his company, while too many of them return to Canada to resume their leadership over a culture recently described by Vote Life, Canada! in an Open Letter to the Bishops as "pseudo-catholic."
Alcock noted that "the Archbishops knelt before Pope Benedict XVI on June 29, each receiving his pallium, a woolen band symbolizing their unity with the Pope and their shared responsibility of shepherding the Church's flock." Yet the task of successful shepherding is wholly dependent on fidelity to Church teaching and doctrine explained Alcock. "It is quite hypocritical of Bishops to wear Catholic faces when in the Pope's presence but to pick and choose, cafeteria style, from Church teaching once they step off the plane in Canada."
In 2004 the Pope, then Cardinal Ratzinger, reaffirmed existing provisions of Church Canon Law and issued a directive indicating that Catholic politicians who obstinately persist in supporting pro-abortion laws MUST be denied Holy Communion. Yet there is no record of any Bishop in Canada ever acting on such guidelines, despite nearly four decades of Canadian rule by pro-abortion, pro-sodomy "Catholic" Prime Ministers. One rabid pro-abortion Prime Minister was even defended by his Bishop as a "faithful parishioner" as recently as 2005.
The open dissent of Canada's Bishops in 1968 to the Pope's directives on birth control helped to launch Canada on its path to sexual perversion, family breakdown and child-killing and never have they recanted their contrary position. In contrast, the Pope reiterates, as he did on his recent visit to Brazil, unchanging Church doctrine by condemning legalized contraception and abortion as grave evils opposed to the common good of society. But in Canada the word "contraception," is stricken from the Bishops' records, never to be discussed or spelled out on paper or websites. Far too often the word "abortion" suffers a similar fate, rarely even the subject of official prayer by the Bishops, a dead justice issue overshadowed by drinking water rights, immigration and gambling.
Vote Life, Canada! pleads with the newest Archbishops to break the pattern of hypocrisy through renewed fidelity to Catholic teachings, thus launching a culture of life in Canada which promises legal protection for Canada's Unborn.