Quiet Young Man Becomes Bold Witness
by Staff
August 9, 2007
GUJARAT, INDIA (christiansunite.com) -- Ravi was a quiet, unassuming young man. Like millions of other young husbands throughout India, he worked hard at his construction job, so he could provide for his family. People noticed that Ravi did not talk much. That was due to the fact that he had a very soft voice that sounded like it had never fully developed. To make matters worse, Ravi also had difficulties when he tried to express himself verbally. But that all changed when he learned about the love of God.
One day, Ravi met a Christian who was excited to tell him about a God who loves him. This believer then gave Ravi a Gospel tract. Ravi was perplexed about the message in the tract and all that the believer had told him about Jesus. He had never heard of a God who was not an idol. That is because Ravi was raised in a village of poor, tribal people who worshiped idols, nature and the spirits of their ancestors. He was fascinated by the idea that there was a God who was alive.
The Gospel message touched his heart that day, and he prayed to receive Jesus as his Savior. Soon, he was clamoring to learn more about Jesus and how to serve Him, and he sought the help of a GFA native missionary. This missionary steered Ravi to a GFA Bible College, where he was accepted for studies.
Then while he was in Bible college, a miraculous transformation occurred in Ravi's life. His fellow students began to pray for him and soon, they noticed his voice was changing. This man known for his soft-spoken, stunted speech was suddenly speaking loudly and clearly. Ravi and his classmates are thrilled that the grace of God has rested upon him.
Today, Ravi is looking forward to the time when he can use his new, loud, strong voice to tell people about Jesus on the mission field.
Gujarat state leaders ask that you pray for Ravi, his wife and their 2-year-old daughter. Pray that God will protect them and help them grow in the Lord. Also ask for the Lord's blessings on the family as they solely depend on their crops for their livelihood while Ravi is in Bible college.