Medical Abortions Carry Same Risks as Surgical Abortions for Later Pregnancies
by Staff
August 20, 2007
WASHINGTON, ( -- A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that medical abortions (such as the abortion pill RU-486) have the same complication rates for later pregnancies as do surgical abortions. Concerned Women for America (CWA) noted that the study did not include a comparison of women who have not had any type of abortion."Medical experts have acknowledged that the abortion pill RU-486 is ten times more likely to cause fatal infections than surgical abortion. This study did not take into account the direct risk that comes from chemical and surgical abortions, such as hemorrhage, pelvic infections and causing damage to the cervix," stated Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America.
"Other studies have shown that abortions can cause a higher risk of later pre-term births, which can lead to negative outcomes for the surviving infant. The evidence suggests that women who have not had any abortions have safer pregnancy outcomes than women who have had either surgical or medical abortions.
"As advocates claim, abortion is a choice, so researchers should not assume that women must have an abortion. The researchers stated they did not include women who do not have abortions because these women have different socio-economic conditions. This assumption is without merit. Many women who plan on having an abortion change their minds even though their socio-economic conditions have not changed. And women in similar situations make different pregnancy choices.
"This study is like comparing whether it is worse to burn your hand on a gas stove or an electric stove. You still end up burned."
Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.