AG Gonzales Resigns; OR Says 'Good Riddance'-Gonzales obstructed enforcement of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act
by Staff
September 5, 2007
WASHINGTON, ( -- Alberto Gonzales has resigned today as United States Attorney General. Operation Rescue calls on President George Bush to appoint a replacement that will immediately enforce the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act."We are not sorry at all to see Gonzales resign," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "Since the Supreme Court ruled that the Federal ban on partial- birth abortions is constitutional, Gonzales has done nothing but obstruct enforcement. In fact, we don't think the temporary restraining order barring the ban from going into effect has even been vacated."
"Right now we don't know who is doing this illegal late- term abortion procedure. There has been no investigation or any attempt to find out if the abortionists are following the law," said Newman.
"We call on President Bush to appoint an Attorney General who will enforce the ban and investigate abortionists to ensure they are obeying the law, including Nebraska's LeRoy Carhart who defended the horrific abortion method all the way to the Supreme Court. Since Carhart is also employed by Kansas abortionist George Tiller, we are asking for a Federal investigation of him as well."
Newman is not impressed by abortionists, such as Tiller, who claim they do not do the illegal abortion procedure. Operation Rescue is calling for investigations of late-term abortionists Warren Hern of Colorado, James Pendergraft of Florida, and Martin Haskel of Ohio along with Carhart, Tiller and others.
"If you ask a drug dealer if he is dealing drugs, he will deny it, but no law enforcement officer will take him at his word until a thorough investigation substantiates it. It's crazy to trust the word of abortionists who say they are in compliance with a law that they avidly opposed," said Newman.
"We need a new Attorney General who will do his job and enforce the law with immediate investigations and arrests of those abortionist who are committing criminal partial-birth abortions," said Newman.
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.