Shootings in Colorado Highlight the Fact that Christians and Churches are the Overwhelming Target of Hate Crimes in America
by Staff
December 17, 2007
( -- The tragic shootings in Colorado highlight the fact that Christians and churches are the overwhelming target of hate crimes in America.
For example, between 1997 and 2007 there were 3,500 acts of either arson, attempted arson, bombings and suspicious fires at churches according to the National Coalition for Burned Churches.
The group also reports that 600 churches were subjected to arson alone between 2000 and 2006.
Commenting on the Christian faith being the number target for hate crimes and violence in America, Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, comments;
"First of all, our prayers and thoughts go out the families and friends that lost loved during the deadly shootings in Colorado during the past several days. These deaths in Colorado highlight the fact that Christians and churches are the overwhelming target of violent hate crimes in America.
For many Americans, the fact comes as a surprise. Most would believe that the groups or facilities most likely to be targets of hate crimes are persons of color, gays, Muslims or abortion clinics. The reason for that is the national press, media, elected officials and special interest groups focus, dramatize and over report when those groups and facilities are subjected to violent acts.
Imagine the media outrage if over 600 mosques, abortion clinics, gay night clubs or NAACP offices were burned to the ground over the past several years. It would be a major news story for weeks. Yet, when hundreds of churches are burned and Christians are killed there is a much more limited and lukewarm response.
We must all work for an America where violence has no place and people are not targeted for acts of hate because of their skin color, religious beliefs or gender. However, we must begin to recognize that the most serious problem regarding violent hate crimes America concerns churches and Christians."