Shortest Honeymoon in American History
by Staff
January 29, 2009
MEDIA ADVISORY, ( -- Kip Caudill, macro-economist, author of "Wake Up America" President of Caudill Enterprises and founder of the Caudill Foundation and the The Patriot Channel T V, said today "I believe America is about to go down financially. Here are the reasons:1. The average credit card debt in America, much at 24% at $30,000 per household is being increased, trapped, no way to refinance. This will soon implode, forcing more bankruptcies.
2. The collapse of the United States real estate and housing market, Americans heavily over extended, equities, disappearing, which is net worth and borrowing power.
3. The US and global credit and financial meltdown, young gunslingers, gambling in derivatives worldwide forced unsustainable losses and write towns, massive drop in collateral equity.
4. Stock market crash in America from high of 14,400 to 8,000+, Americans savings gone, seniors panic stricken.
5. The social security systems technically bankrupt with a gaining senior society.
6. Corruption in every level of government or banking industry, running at an all time high (ex) Illinois governor many websites with valid data that virtually indicates that Obama's birth was not in Hawaii, but in Kenya which makes him constitutionally not allowed to take the oath of office.
7. The national debt is around 12 trillion or higher, doubled under the previous conservative administration. With the GNP falling America will soon default on our interest coupons or bonds held by foreign nations and institutions creating world wide panic.
8. The auto industry the BIG 3, are technically bankrupt, and our government cannot save them, the fall out will put America into a much deeper depression, lay offs and salary cuts taking place at unprecedented levels, forcing higher levels of unemployment.
9. Fear is the primary feeling among the American people, they are hoarding their money and buying guns and ammunitions at record levels. It is impossible to move forward in the face of fear.
10. Many of the largest nations put in motion massive nation rebuilding based on the value of petro dollars, their budgets for 09 and 10 are factored at 100 to 120 a dollar oil. Opec will be forced to cut production to raise prices, which will translate to much higher gas prices, to say nothing of these nations ability to fund our debt instruments and lastly America was founded by 56 men, Christians, who pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to build America, a constitutional republic on Godly principles, all of which has been stripped away.
The Holy Bible declares "All Nations that forget God, shall be turned into hell" Wake Up America, it has arrived.