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California Resident Peng Ming Writes to His Family from Chinese Prison

by Staff
March 1, 2009
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HENAN, ( -- ChinaAid received a letter from imprisoned Christian human rights and democracy activist Peng Ming which he sent to his family on January 22, 2009. He is serving a life sentence in China, even though he is an official UN Refugee with transitional permanent resident refugee status in California, USA.

While travelling to visit his elderly parents in Thailand, Peng Ming, 52, was lured to Myanmar and kidnapped at gunpoint by eight Chinese special agents in May 2004, then taken to China where he was sentenced to life in prison in October 2005, charged with engaging in terrorism activities. He is in a heavily guarded prison cell in Han Yang where he suffers from serious medical conditions that have been ignored by prison officials.

Peng Ming's letter dated January 22, 2009:

Dear Dad and Mom, Pastor Chen, Wu, Zhang, Fu and Gao:

How are you doing? I am so glad to say "Happy Chinese New Year" with Spring Festival on the way. I hope you have good health, happiness and great faith. God has always been blessing you and me.

As requested by my dear parents, I should hold such an attitude to deal with the current situation. I have completely eliminated the anxiety and loneliness, calmly, enriched to spend every day. As my father said, this is a learning opportunity, a special school, to study hard in order to enrich my insufficiency, seriously review history, sum up my experience and learn lessons, ultimately to choose the right way for my future.

As for my suffering, in fact, God put me to the test. Looking back [on] the history of religious leaders, such as Confucius, Sakyamuni, Moses, Jesus, Paul and so on, who has not been through trials and tribulations? I firmly believe that God will use me.

About the current economic crisis in United States, I read an article a few days ago, entitled "The [more intense the} economic recession, the more Americans believe Jesus." Which provides evidence for my point of view: God gave alert to the world through the economic crisis, especially for Americans. An extravagant lifestyle is not pleasing to God, and it is not sustainable. God's authority is in charge of the entire world. People may be enriched by the material, but we must never forget God's will and God-given human mission.

Pastor Wu said: "God has prepared the opportunity for us to serve Him." I have received this gift in my spirit, I deeply believe it. I also believe that you are grateful for my opportunity. Pastor Chan said: "God has arranged every detail in every individual's life."

Please say hello to Professor Li and all friends. God be with us.

Peng Ming

Since his imprisonment, Peng Ming has developed a severe case of kidney stones and has suffered a massive heart attack. He received no medical treatment from prison staff. These and other health issues are compounded by prison officials who continue to afflict Mr. Peng with sleep deprivation and malnourishment. To date, Peng Ming has been without proper medical attention for more than four years.

In June of 2007, an urgent appeal was sent to Chinese officials from the United Nations Human Rights Council; Working Group for Arbitrary Detention. The Working Group established that Mr. Peng Ming is an official UN Refugee and would be granted permanent alien resident status from the USA.

Furthermore, the UN Council declared that the deprivation of his liberty is arbitrary and in direct contravention of articles 19 and 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and that the government should take the necessary steps to remedy the situation of Mr. Peng Ming.

In addition to the UN effort for this case, U.S. Congressional leaders and senior Bush administration officials provided advocacy urging the Chinese government to release Peng Ming. Congressional leaders are deeply concerned for this case. Despite the efforts of the United Nations Human Rights Council, as well as efforts from members of the United States government, Mr. Peng remains in detention without medical assistance. ChinaAid has been supporting Peng Ming during his time in prison.

ChinaAid, along with its supporters, urges the international community to pressure the Chinese government for Peng Ming's release based on emergency medical need and fundamental humanitarian grounds. ChinaAid urges Christians around the world to pray for Peng Ming's health conditions to improve.

Write a letter of encouragement to Peng Ming in prison at:
No. 4 Prison Branch
Hubei Provincial Han Yang Prison
Cai Dian District, Wuhan City
Hubei Province

Contact Xiang Peng (sister of Peng Ming) in the U.S. at 510-962-0907 (Mandarin Chinese only).

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