Lawmaker Calls Pro-Homosexual Play Typical Public School Propaganda
February 14, 2005
A Virginia legislator is expressing outrage over a public high school play in which two male students engaged in a homosexual kiss onstage. Full Story...FRC Attorney: Unless Enforced, Tougher Broadcast Indecency Laws Worthless
February 14, 2005
Legislation and representation. Those are two areas of influence a pro-family advocate says could have major impact on the content of television and radio broadcasts in the near future. But unless indecency laws are enforced, he says, nothing will change -- and families will continue to be battered by indecent content. Full Story...
PC(USA)'s Planned Divestiture from Israel Rooted in 'Ignorance,' Says Jewish Critic
February 14, 2005
The Presbyterian Church U.S.A. has concluded a three-day conference designed to justify its decision to divest from companies that do business with Israel -- a nation the denomination's officials have called an "apartheid state." Full Story...
American Influence in Canada Okay -- Provided It Endorses Homosexual 'Marriage'
February 14, 2005
A Canadian pro-family activist says it's hypocritical for homosexual activists in his country to complain about traditional marriage proponents from America trying to influence the same-sex "marriage" debate in Canada. Full Story...
FOTF Expert: As Men's Ministry Flourishes, So Does the Church
February 11, 2005
The head of pastoral ministries at Focus on the Family says ministers need to make it a priority to get men involved in leadership roles in the Church. Earlier this week, Focus on the Family hosted a conference for pastors and their spouses. The complimentary event was aimed at encouraging and equipping pastors to balance their professional minis... Full Story...
'Doo Wap' Musician, Now Born Again, Reaches Out to Drug Addicts
February 11, 2005
As a professional percussionist, Walter Santos has played with a "Who's Who" in the world of modern jazz and rock music. But it is less important who he plays with these days, because now he plays for the only "who" that matters: Jesus Christ. Full Story...
DOJ Files Brief Supporting Christian Student's Religious Liberty Lawsuit
February 11, 2005
The United States Department of Justice is weighing in on a case of anti-Christian censorship at a Michigan public school. Full Story...
Family Advocate: 'Tolerant' Homosexuals Intolerant of 'Ex-Gays'
February 11, 2005
In this day of "tolerance," a pro-family activists says there is one group that is never tolerated by those who consider themselves politically correct: "ex-gays." Full Story...
Attorney Claims Lesbian Teachers Using Schools to Push Homosexual Lifestyle
February 11, 2005
A California school district may be taken to court after a group of high school teachers began blatantly promoting homosexuality in their classrooms. Full Story...
Social Security: Follow the Math
February 11, 2005
President Bush has made it clear that reforming Social Security is one of his top priorities for his second term. Battle lines are forming among supporters and opponents of his proposal to allow younger workers to invest privately a portion of their Social Security taxes through individual accounts. Full Story...
Everything I Needed to Know about Outreach I Learned at Because of Winn-Dixie
February 11, 2005
What makes a children's story worthwhile is when it can also be enjoyed by adults. J.R.R Tolkien noted that when kids and adults are both faced with fairy tales, each will get out of the experience what they are able to put in. The best children's stories make room for both. Full Story...
UNT Conservatives' Mock Illegal Alien Hunt Stirs Resentment
February 10, 2005
Scores of angry Latino students and others at the University of North Texas are demanding that something "be done" about a Young Conservatives' demonstration called "Capture an Illegal Immigrant Day." Full Story...