Christian Student Group Fights for Recognition on Kansas Campus
September 23, 2004
The Christian Legal Society (CLS) is asking a federal court to reinstate its chapter at the Washburn University School of Law in Topeka, Kansas. Full Story...Bush Right to Stick Up for Iraqi Policy Before U.N., Journalist Says
September 22, 2004
A best-selling author and national defense expert is commending President Bush for making no apologies about his Iraq policy during an address on Tuesday before the United Nations. The journalist believes the U.N. failed in its efforts to protect the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein. Full Story...
Attorney: Christian Student's 'Silent Message' on Day of Silence is Protected
September 22, 2004
A federal judge is hearing a case involving a Christian student who was suspended by his California high school for wearing a T-shirt displaying the messages "Homosexuality is Shameful" and "Our School Embraced What God Has Condemned." Full Story...
Pro-Family Leader Says Same-Sex 'Marriage' Motivating Voters
September 22, 2004
Sunday night in Arkansas, the Family Research Council presented the third in a series of closed-circuit worship services and pro-traditional marriage rallies. FRC president Tony Perkins says this latest pro-family service was a great event and, hopefully, not the last of its kind. Full Story...
MOPS Convenes Meeting of the Moms in Tennessee
September 22, 2004
Mothers from all over the world will be gathering in Nashville, Tennessee, this weekend for the annual Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) International Convention. Full Story...
Author Stresses Urgent Need for Fearless Witnessing
September 22, 2004
A Georgia-based evangelist is trying to motivate and equip believers to reach friends and strangers for Jesus. In his book One Thing You Can't Do in Heaven (Genesis Publications, 2004), Mark Cahill says when it comes to witnessing, Christians can overcome fear and have confidence instead. Full Story...
Bush Right to Stick Up for Iraqi Policy Before U.N., Journalist Say
September 22, 2004
A best-selling author and national defense expert is commending President Bush for making no apologies about his Iraq policy during an address on Tuesday before the United Nations. The journalist believes the U.N. failed in its efforts to protect the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein. Full Story...
History Major Spotlights Antics of 'Profane Professor' at UGA
September 22, 2004
A University of Georgia professor is being investigated after allegations he bullied a conservative student. The student alleges that the history instructor told students he hated President Bush and repeatedly used profanity to describe Bush and Vice President Cheney. Full Story...
Principals Thwarted in Attempts to Interfere in School Prayer Rallies
September 22, 2004
Millions of Christian students were able to gather on their public school campuses last week to pray as part of the annual "See You at the Pole" observances. But students in at least two schools had to threaten legal action for their right to assemble and pray. Full Story...
CBS 'Eye' Blinks; Network Apologizes -- but Not to Bush
September 21, 2004
A media watchdog believes CBS is trying to blame its source of a controversial memo on President Bush's National Guard service for misleading them into thinking it was authentic. But the Virginia-based organization doesn't think the network can use that excuse for producing a fraudulent story. Full Story...
'FAITH Strategy' Proving Fruitful for the Kingdom
September 21, 2004
The president of the Southern Baptist Convention is on a nationwide bus tour encouraging members of the SBC to make evangelism the number-one priority. Full Story...
Teacher Says Texas Schools Don't Need More Money
September 21, 2004
Now that a judge has declared the Texas School Finance Law unconstitutional and ordered the state to spend more money on public education, a long-time teacher is expressing concerns about the ruling. Full Story...