Politics Drives Funding of AIDS Research
July 13, 2004
A recent article in the Washington Times noted that the amount of money Congress spends on medical research through both the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may be allocated on the basis of politics, rather than science or public need. Full Story...Finding Decent Alternatives to Sleaze TV
July 13, 2004
While MTV and numerous other television cable companies continue to pump out offensive and indecent programming, an increasing number of alternatives offer classic and original family fare. Kathleen Johnson, programming vice president for Dominion Sky Angel, is among those working overtime to provide family-friendly television. Full Story...
Open Doors' Youth Arm Launches Push for Persecuted Believers
July 12, 2004
A ministry that supports the persecuted Church is working to galvanize Christian teenagers to get involved in raising awareness about those around the globe who are suffering for their religious faith. Full Story...
Maryland Educators Accused of Ignoring Ex-Homosexual's Lifestyle Change
July 12, 2004
A public school committee in one Maryland county does not want students to know about a young man's decision to leave the homosexual lifestyle. Full Story...
Christian Teachers Have Ministry in Classroom, Educators Group Says
July 12, 2004
Thousands of Christian teachers from across the U.S. will gather in Florida later this week to confront issues such as homosexual "marriage," abortion, and religious freedom in the classroom. Full Story...
Weekly Prayer Teleconference Founder Raises Frequency
July 12, 2004
A California Christian activist is stepping up a nationwide prayer effort aimed at reclaiming America for Christ. Full Story...
Advocates of Biblical Marriage Rally in Memphis, Gather on Capitol Hill
July 12, 2004
Leaders in the evangelical pro-family movement are encouraging Christians to fast, pray, and call their senators as the vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment draws near. Full Story...
Weyrich Wary of Muslim Dominance in Western Europe
July 12, 2004
A conservative activist says Islam has never gotten over being driven out of Europe centuries ago, so it is using massive immigration to infiltrate the continent. The result, he says, could be a Muslim majority in several European countries within the next decade or so. Full Story...
Going Beyond 'The Tithe' Brings Extra Helping of God's Blessings
July 12, 2004
The owners of a Michigan-based company are using their profits to help spread the gospel worldwide. Full Story...
Researcher Suspects NEA's Contrary Reactions to School Safety Reports
July 9, 2004
An ex-homosexual researcher is criticizing the National Education Association (NEA) for its conflicting reactions to two reports that debunk the union's contention that U.S. public schools are among the safest places for children to be. Full Story...
Pastor Wary of Bush Camp's Religious Voter Drive
July 9, 2004
A Southern Baptist pastor is encouraging the Bush-Cheney campaign to rethink a request asking volunteers to share information from their church directories with the campaign. Full Story...
Conservative Attributes Bush's Pro-Islam Comments to Politics
July 9, 2004
The head of a Washington, DC, think tank who has access to the White House says people of faith do not need to be concerned about President Bush's public comments about Islam. The conservative activist says the president does know the "real score." Full Story...