Montana's Would-be Governor Demands Equality For Creationism
May 5, 2004
A candidate for governor of Montana is voicing support for the teaching of creationism in public schools. Full Story...Pro Athlete Turned Pastor Tells PK Crowd About Repentance, Role Modeling
May 5, 2004
A former National Football League player says society has the wrong concept of forgiveness. Miles McPherson, who spent his years in the NFL as a defensive back with the Los Angeles Rams and the San Diego Chargers, has gone on the offensive for Jesus as a soul winning Christian speaker and minister. Full Story...
Military Minister Finds Iraqis Open To Christian Message
May 5, 2004
A Navy chaplain who served in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom believes the civilian population of that country is ready for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Full Story...
Pro-Family Activist Castigates Virginia Governor For Cowardly Civil Union Strategy
May 5, 2004
A Virginia pro-family advocate says Governor Mark Warner tried to kill legislation banning all forms of same-sex unions, but he says Warner did not have the courage to openly oppose the measure. Full Story...
UMC Conservatives Dismayed By Liberal Dominance Of Church Structures
May 5, 2004
Controversies abound at the 2004 meeting of the United Methodist Church General Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, ongoing through May 7. There some conservatives are expressing disappointment over the outcome of Judicial Council elections, while Orthodox women in the denomination are rankling over being overlooked by the UMC's liberal Women's... Full Story...
'70s TV Classic 'The Waltons' Comes To DVD
May 5, 2004
Virtually every family with a television set or two in the1970s became friends with John-Boy Walton and the entire Walton clan as they struggled their way through the Great Depression. Memories of the hour-long drama series can still evoke strong emotions from fans. They close their eyes and hear the crickets on a dark night on Walton's Mountain. T... Full Story...
UMC General Conference Wrestles With Homosexual Issues
May 5, 2004
Theological conservatives in the United Methodist Church have scored a big victory at the denomination's General Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where the General Conference has decided not to adopt a resolution amending the denomination's discipline to make it more accepting of homosexuality. Full Story...
Liberal Journalist's Media Monitoring Project Targets Conservatives
May 4, 2004
An ex-conservative turned liberal journalist is launching an Internet site to counter what he calls "the right wing dominated debate over liberal media bias." Full Story...
Baptist Leader Says SBC Must Re-Emphasize Lifestyle, Soul Winning
May 4, 2004
An official with the nation's largest evangelical denomination says believers need to remember their citizenship in God's kingdom and practice lifestyle Christianity in their daily lives. Full Story...
Immigration Program May Threaten Homeland Security, Expert Warns
May 4, 2004
There is growing concern among many people in the U.S. capital that the federal government could be undermining its own homeland security efforts. Full Story...
Christian Ministries Return Their Ponzi Profits To Victims' Fund
May 4, 2004
More than 1.4 million dollars has been dedicated to a victim's compensation fund developed by Christian ministries that unwittingly benefited from an investment scheme. Full Story...
Family-Friendly Network Adds 1.2 Million Households, New Programming
May 4, 2004
FamilyNet television is experiencing growing pains that will broaden and expand the family-friendly network on two fronts. First, FamilyNet News is scheduled to air its first news breaks during the May 5 At-Home Live! series. The news department will soon incorporate a varied mix including headline news, live coverage, in-depth interviews and inves... Full Story...