Bible College Mourns Suicide of Student Involved in Drug Trials
February 18, 2004
A small Pentecostal college in Indiana has been remembering a freshman student who committed suicide while participating in the clinical testing of a new antidepressant drug. Full Story...Authors Packs 'Quick Read' with Details of Nation's Christian Founding
February 18, 2004
Among the many books recounting our nation's Christian roots, Gary DeMar's America's Christian Heritage (Broadman & Holman, 2003) stands out from the crowd in three ways. First of all, it's a quick read -- 85 pages of fast facts on the presence and power of Christian faith from colonial times to the present. That may not be enough for the serious s... Full Story...
Traditional Marriage Defenders Hold Out Hope in Massachusetts
February 18, 2004
Having failed last week to find the votes to pass a constitutional amendment that would protect traditional marriage from being redefined to include homosexual couples, the Massachusetts legislature will resume debate on March 11, and pro-amendment lawmakers will again try to offset the court-ordered legalization of same-sex marriage, slated to tak... Full Story...
Show-Me-State Conservative Sees Republicans Recapturing Fifth District
February 17, 2004
A Christian sales executive and city alderman hopes to make political history this fall by winning a Missouri congressional seat that has long been held by liberal Democrats. Full Story...
Online Resource Fills Void by Training Church's Current, Future Pastors
February 17, 2004
Pastors across the globe now have the opportunity to learn from Christian leaders in the privacy of their own homes. Full Story...
Pro-Life Groups Rise Up Against Abortion in U.S. Capital
February 17, 2004
Among the many grassroots organizations and individuals participating in last month's Sanctity of Human Life activities and other recent pro-life events were a few "special interest" groups that are determined to make Washington, DC, and the rest of the country hear the cry of the unborn. Full Story...
Younger Patrons Will Need Parental Permission to See 'The Passion'
February 17, 2004
When Mel Gibson's movie The Passion of the Christ opens next week in one Mississippi town, organizers are going to make sure that no minors are allowed to view the R-rated film without parental permission. Full Story...
School System Chief Bans Pastoral Visits Over Lunch
February 17, 2004
Christian pastors in Kentucky are protesting a local school administrator's decision to dump a longstanding policy that allowed local ministers to visit students during school hours. Full Story...
Pro-Family Leader: Homosexual Activists Want to Make Evil Acceptable
February 17, 2004
The president of one pro-family group feels the battle in Massachusetts over legalizing homosexual marriage is a clear example of the struggle between good and evil as the end times approach. Full Story...
Hearing Today: Lawsuit Hopes to Stop SF's Same-Sex 'Marriage' Licenses
February 17, 2004
A lawsuit filed by a California pro-family group is to be heard today in San Francisco. The suit seeks to bring a halt to the tidal wave of marriage licenses that, under the authorization of the city's mayor, have been issued over the last four days to homosexual couples. Full Story...
Election Year, Economics Elevate Education as Issue with Kansas City Area Parents
February 16, 2004
Even as the economy and the war on terrorism dominate the news in this election year, many parents have a different issue on their minds -- the education of their children. Full Story...
Immigration Reformer Links Spike in Gang Activity to Earlier Amnesty
February 16, 2004
An immigration reform organization is concerned about recent reports that illegal alien gang activity is on the upswing. Immigration activists believe an amnesty 18 years ago is contributing to the problem. Full Story...