India Flood Survivors Share Their Stories With GFA Relief Workers
October 15, 2009
As massive floods in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh swept through the two Indian states, destroying homes, crops and livestock, many survivors lost virtually everything, finding it difficult to restore even the simple lives they once knew. Full Story...Jerry Colangelo Joins Board of Grand Canyon Education Inc.
October 15, 2009
Many business analogies can be made by drawing on sports experiences, and Grand Canyon Education Inc., owner of Grand Canyon University (GCU), will now benefit from someone who is steeped in this world with the addition of Jerry Colangelo to its board of directors. Full Story...
Chinese pastor and wife forced to vacate home
October 14, 2009
Pastor Zhang "Bike" Mingxuan and his wife were forcibly escorted from their home on the morning of September 23 by Beijing Public Security Bureau and Religious Affairs officials. Full Story...
Pastor attacked by Hindu militants in Andhra Pradesh, India
October 14, 2009
Pastor Vanamali Parishudham (35) was brutally assaulted by Hindu militants in Yellareddygudam village in Andhra Pradesh on September 20. The militants attacked the pastor while he walking home from a Sunday worship service Full Story...
The Family in America: Inaugural Issue of New Public Policy Journal Defends the Natural Family
October 14, 2009
The Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society announced that its new quarterly journal, The Family In America: A Journal of Public Policy has now been released. The new journal is a reconfiguration of the monthly newsletter that was founded in 1987. Full Story...
Governor Schwarzenegger Places Special Interests Before California Students by Signing Harvey Milk Bill
October 14, 2009
Last night Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law Senate Bill 572, authored by Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco). SB 572 requires the Governor of California to annually proclaim May 22 as Harvey Milk Day to honor the first openly homosexual politician. Full Story...
Organizations Representing Over 30 Million People Voice Opposition to Healthcare that Funds Abortion, Violates Conscience, Rations Care, or Limits Freedom
October 14, 2009
Some of the nation's largest multiracial, multiethnic, and multigenerational faith- based and policy organizations, representing more than 30 million people, went on record to voice opposition to any healthcare bill that funds abortion, violates conscience, rations care, or limits freedom. Full Story...
Hundreds of Thousands of Students Will Refuse to Speak on October 20th, as They Stand in Solidarity with Those Who are Killed Every Day by Abortion
October 13, 2009
Stand True, Christ-Centered Pro-life, will hold its sixth annual Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity on Tuesday, Oct. 20. Last year students from over 4,700 campuses in 25 countries participated in the event, and Stand True expects even more this year. Full Story...
American Pro-Lifers to Greet Spain's Prime Minister at White House
October 13, 2009
Spain's Socialist Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodr�'guez Zapatero will meet with President Obama at the White House on Tuesday, October 13. Zapatero will be met by Americans in solidarity with Spain's citizens against his attempt to increase abortions. Full Story...
Pew Research Poll: Majority Continues to Support Civil Unions, Most Still Oppose Same-Sex Marriage
October 13, 2009
A new report based on a recent national survey by the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life and the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press finds that a clear majority of Americans favor allowing gay and lesbian couples to enter into legal agreements Full Story...
Increasing Suicide Rates in Alaska Spark Response from Florida Minister
October 13, 2009
Jennifer Beckham just returned from her tour of three cities with five appearances, bringing a much-needed message of hope, love and healing to the women of Alaska during such a great time of need. Full Story...
White House Engaged in 'Smuggling Operation' on Abortion in Health Care
October 13, 2009
A spokesman for the nation's major pro-life organization said that remarks by the White House press secretary on October 7, "once again demonstrated that the White House is a partner in an ongoing smuggling operation Full Story...