Some Video Games Take Sleazy Turn
July 29, 2004
Parents who are wringing their hands over the violent content of their kids' video games how have something else to worry about -- nudity and sex. Full Story...Bush Administration Lauds House's Passage of Marriage Protection Act
July 28, 2004
The White House has thrown its weight behind the latest effort to defend traditional marriage, the Marriage Protection Act (MPA). The bill, recently passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, limits the ability of activist judges to redefine marriage. Meanwhile, same-sex couples married in Massachusetts continue to attack other states' Defense of... Full Story...
Ron Reagan's DNC Comments Rile Pro-Lifers
July 28, 2004
Pro-life and pro-family groups are up in arms over comments made Tuesday night in Boston in support of embryonic stem-cell research. The uproar is not so much because the claims broke any new ground, but because they were uttered by the son of the late President Ronald Reagan -- who was staunchly pro-life and who, according to many defenders of the... Full Story...
Expert Casts Doubts On Kerry's Touted War Heroism
July 28, 2004
A former U.S. Air Force pilot and one-time military attachÈ to President Bill Clinton says he wants to set the record straight about Senator John Kerry's Vietnam War activities. Full Story...
Michigan Puts Teeth in New Abstinence Education Requirements
July 28, 2004
School districts in Michigan that refuse to stress the importance of abstinence until marriage could be penalized one percent of their state funding. Full Story...
Evangelist Documents Religious Beliefs of the 'Rich and Famous'
July 28, 2004
A new book by California evangelist Ray Comfort looks at the spiritual beliefs of some of the biggest names in entertainment. What Hollywood Believes: An Intimate Look at the Faith of the Famous (Genesis Publishing, 2004) examines the personal beliefs of stars such as Bruce Willis, Michael J. Fox, Arnold Schwarzenegger, John Wayne, and many others. Full Story...
Third Party 'Media Blues' Don't Discourage Former GOP Leader
July 28, 2004
Major networks are giving one hour of prime-time coverage to the Democratic National Convention, while some cable channels are offering America gavel-to-gavel coverage. It's not that way for third parties. Full Story...
State Courts Are the Culprits in Marriage Battle, Says Attorney
July 28, 2004
The president of a Florida-based legal group fighting for the traditional family says the Marriage Protection Act is not a substitute for the Federal Marriage Amendment. Full Story...
PhotoMission's Growing Family Spans Globe
July 27, 2004
It is often said -- and is particularly apt in image-driven postmodern society -- that a picture is worth a thousand words. But when the person taking the picture has the Word within, very often the images created have the potential to shed light on a much bigger picture. Knowing that, believing photographers around the world are coming together to... Full Story...
Report from Boston: Inconsistencies Abound at Dems' Nat'l Convention
July 27, 2004
One pro-family activist detects numerous inconsistencies -- not to mention, biting anti-Bush commentary -- emanating from the Fleet Center in Boston, where the Democratic Party faithful are preparing to bestow upon John Kerry and John Edwards their long-expected designation as presidential and vice-presidential candidates. Full Story...
Parents Advised: Prescription Drug Misuse Up Among Kids, Teens
July 27, 2004
The head of a non-profit group that helps kids and teens reject substance abuse says the problem of prescription drug abuse by young people is spinning out of control. Full Story...
Pro-Israel Activist Says Palestinian Group Espouses Terrorism
July 27, 2004
Supporters of Israel are asking Duke University to ban a meeting on campus to be held by a Palestinian communist group that believes the Jewish state has no right to exist. Full Story...