Pro-Family Advocate: Losing Biblical Marriage Means Losing Life, Liberty
August 10, 2004
A pro-family legal expert says the fight for traditional marriage will be the most important cultural battle faced by the United States. Full Story...Military Pundit: Four Months in 'Nam Does Not a President Make
August 10, 2004
A military watchdog says Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry is basing his campaign solely on what he did more than three decades ago. The conservative pundit says that's not enough. Full Story...
Christian History Series Releases Two More Books
August 10, 2004
Two new volumes from the Christian History Project (CHP) are available in this fine series of books that aims to reconnect Christians to the history of their faith. Full Story...
Family Background Affects Marriage Views
August 10, 2004
Men from non-traditional families tend to shun the idea of ever marrying, and they are less likely to marry by their early 30s than men raised in traditional families. Full Story...
Educators' Honoree Challenged on Alleged Sex Abuse Cover-Up
August 10, 2004
The founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), who was recently honored by the largest teachers union in America, is defending himself against allegations of engaging in unethical and illegal behavior. But a researcher of ex-homosexual issues says Kevin Jenning's response to charges he covered up an incident of child sex ab... Full Story...
Bauer Finds DNC Intolerance Disappointing
August 9, 2004
A Christian activist and former presidential candidate was dismayed by the hateful statement a prominent Hollywood liberal directed against Christian conservatives at the recent Democratic convention -- and equally dismayed by the applause it garnered from Democratic political leaders. Full Story...
Ousted Alabama Judge Asks High Court For New Hearing
August 9, 2004
The former chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court is not giving up in his fight for the right to acknowledge God publicly. Full Story...
Christian Doctors Urge Govt. Support for Adult Stem Cell Study
August 9, 2004
The Christian Medical Association recently sent a letter to Congress speaking out against embryonic stem cell research (ESCR), and asking the U.S. legislature and the White House to support adult stem cell research, which actually holds promise for improving and saving human lives. Full Story...
Court Ruling on Campus Alcohol Ads a Step Backwards, Says MADD
August 9, 2004
The group Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is expressing disappointment with a federal appeals court ruling that declared Pennsylvania's ban on alcohol ads in college newspapers unconstitutional. Full Story...
Ministry Requests Prayers for Iraqi Christians Living in Fear
August 9, 2004
The president of Open Doors USA says it's the goal of terrorists in Iraq to divide Christians and Muslims in the war-torn nation. Full Story...
Protestant Fathers Come Out on Top in Survey
August 9, 2004
New research shows that men are more involved and attentive as husbands and fathers if they are religious -- and specifically evangelical Protestants. Full Story...
Philadelphia Phillies Hosting Another Pro-Homosexual Event
August 9, 2004
Despite being kicked out of last year's inaugural event, Christian activists plan to protest today's "Gay Community Day" hosted by the Philadelphia Phillies Major League Baseball team. Full Story...