'True Love Waits' Plans Olympian Effort to Change Culture
August 19, 2004
True Love Waits will take a global stand for purity this weekend at the Olympics in Athens, Greece. Full Story...Research Shows English Immersion Outperforms Bilingual Ed
August 19, 2004
A large study by the Arizona Department of Education indicates structured English immersion is much better for students academically than bilingual education. Full Story...
Same-Sex 'Marriage' Juggernaut Dealt Setback in Massachusetts
August 19, 2004
In Massachusetts, several homosexuals from other states are vowing to appeal a court ruling on Wednesday that upholds a ban against them marrying there. Full Story...
Two SoCal Parishes Leave ECUSA, Align with Anglican Province in Africa
August 19, 2004
Two biblically orthodox parishes in Southern California have dropped their affiliation with the Episcopal Church USA (ECUSA) and the Diocese of Los Angeles over the denomination's move away from scriptural authority and its stance on the role of homosexual clergy. Full Story...
Immigrant Says Terrorists Won't Keep Jews from Israeli Homeland
August 18, 2004
A Jerusalem-based organization that helps North American Jews immigrate to Israel says thousands are returning to the Holy Land, despite constant concern about Islamic terrorism and anti-Semitic violence. Full Story...
Pastor Urges Caution for Churches Accepting Federal Money
August 18, 2004
A well-known pastor has some concerns about President Bush's faith-based initiative. Full Story...
FCC's Decency Policing Inadequate, Pro-Family Advocate Complains
August 18, 2004
A spokesman for the American Family Association says the Federal Communications Commission is not doing enough to punish broadcasters who violate decency standards. Full Story...
Calif. School Disallows Christian Club's Posters Bearing Scriptures
August 18, 2004
A San Francisco Bay Area high school is being threatened with a lawsuit over its decision to censor a Christian student club. Full Story...
Fla. Appellate Court Nixes Vouchers for Religious Schools
August 18, 2004
Although a Florida appeals court has struck down a law that lets students from failing public schools attend private religious schools at taxpayers expense, the state's governor says the school choice battle is not over yet. Full Story...
The Poor Children in India Have a Friend in Ashish
August 18, 2004
We are in New Delhi. Our car pulls up to the intersection. The traffic signal is red. We stop and wait. Suddenly there is a knock on the window. There stands a young Indian woman, her hands outstretched, begging. "She's begging," says one of the American occupants. "Let's help her." Full Story...
California's Hate Crimes Expansion Potentially 'Dangerous' for Christians, Activists Say
August 18, 2004
The "thought police" may soon be roaming the corridors of businesses and schools in California, in search of people who have been accused of uttering "hate speech" toward homosexuals. Several Christian activists in the Golden State are concerned that that indeed could be the scenario if Senate Bill 1234 becomes law. Full Story...
Activist Charges Officials Promoting Guest Worker Plan With 'Treason'
August 17, 2004
An immigration reform activist is calling comments made by Homeland Security undersecretary Asa Hutchinson nothing but political pandering to illegal aliens. Full Story...