Prayer, Protest Urged on Behalf of China's Persecuted Christians
August 17, 2004
The Communist Chinese government continues to crack down on Christians who refuse to compromise their beliefs. Full Story...Groups Attempt to Overturn Sex Laws
August 17, 2004
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) is teaming up with a radical sexual freedom group to eradicate "antiquated and unjust sex laws in the nation," according to a jointly released press statement. NGLTF is joining with the Woodhull Freedom Foundation (WFF), which on its website calls for the legalization of prostitution and public sex. Full Story...
PCUSA Holds Line Against 'Gay' Activities
August 17, 2004
In the battle over orthodoxy, liberal leaders in some of the mainline Protestant denominations continue to push for the normalization of homosexuality. For the time being, they have failed to win the day in the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA). Full Story...
Author Urges Churches: Focus on Discipleship
August 17, 2004
An Indiana pastor says churches in America need to shift from program-driven organizations to disciple-making environments. Full Story...
Oklahoman Actively Seeks Spiritual Renewal for America
August 17, 2004
Patti Cox-Morton, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, is an individual continually seeking spiritual renewal for America. Her desire for renewal stemmed from the front cover of the August 2001 of AFA Journal that introduced a campaign to place America's national motto, "In God We Trust," in all classrooms around the country. Full Story...
Columnist Demands Accused UNC Official's Resignation
August 17, 2004
Just days after denying recognition to a Christian student group, the man at the center of a religious freedom controversy at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill is being accused of playing a role in the 1996 theft of a conservative student newspaper. Full Story...
U.S. Must Treat Terrorist-Supporters As Enemies, Author Warns
August 16, 2004
An expert on the Middle East says it is time for the United States to stop appeasing Arab nations. Full Story...
Parents' Choices Affect Young Adults' Working Family Attitudes
August 16, 2004
A new study indicates how maternal employment affects young adults' attitudes about two-income families. Full Story...
Ministry Provides Youth-Targeted Bibles for Campus Evangelism
August 16, 2004
A Louisiana-based evangelist believes the United States is ripe for a true revival. And because of a unique, youth-targeted outreach, some of the seeds of revival may already be taking root in America's public schools. Full Story...
Survey Finds U.S. Teens Involved, Concerned About Country's Future
August 16, 2004
A new report on the state of America's youth finds teenagers are very concerned about the direction their nation is taking and feel the upcoming presidential election will have a big impact on their lives. Full Story...
Ruling Slows Down Establishment of Sex Shops
August 16, 2004
The U.S. Supreme Court has spelled out the rights and obligations of municipalities in setting conditions for sexually oriented businesses in City of Littleton, Colorado, v. Z.J. Gifts. Full Story...
Evolution's 'Dictatorship' -- Student Struggles to Get Opposite Viewpoint Heard
August 16, 2004
Samuel Chen was a high school sophomore who believed in freedom of speech and the unfettered pursuit of knowledge. He thought his public high school did, too, but when it came to the subject of evolution -- well, now he's not so sure. Full Story...