Judge Roy Moore Takes Another High Court Shot at Reclaiming Bench Seat
May 27, 2004
The former chief justice of Alabama's Supreme Court is appealing his removal from office to the nation's highest court. Full Story...Pro-Life Democrat Says He's a Christian First
May 26, 2004
A Tennessee lawmaker says being a Democrat doesn't prevent him from being pro-life. Full Story...
Plan According to Your Goals ... Invest According to Your Plan
May 26, 2004
A cornerstone of the Sound Mind Investing philosophy is that your investing decisions should always be made on the basis of a personalized, long-term strategy. To emphasize its importance, I make the point repeatedly and in various ways. In my view, it's such a crucial concept that I covered it in the opening pages of my book: Full Story...
Constitutional Expert Exposes Establishment Clause Error
May 26, 2004
A Christian attorney who specializes in the United States Constitution says he wants to set the record straight about the myth of "the separation of Church and State." Full Story...
Calif. Church Cries 'Foul' Over Property Grab by City Fathers
May 26, 2004
A California city faces a possible lawsuit after it used eminent domain to prevent a church from relocating to a downtown area. Full Story...
Georgia Community Educator Takes Abstinence Message to Teens
May 26, 2004
For the past six years, a labor and delivery nurse at a large hospital in Georgia has been bringing her abstinence education program to local public schools. Full Story...
ADF Defends Young Graduation Speaker's Right to Address His Faith
May 26, 2004
In a dramatic about-face, an Iowa high school has permitted its valedictorian to deliver a speech that expressed his Christian faith. Full Story...
Research Reveals U.S. Media Leans Left, Blind to Own Bias
May 26, 2004
A new poll of the nation's journalists is providing more alarming evidence that the vast majority of them hold extreme liberal bias and are far less conservative than the general public. Full Story...
Henry Blackaby: Church, World Need Believers Who Are Convicted by Holy Spirit
May 25, 2004
A well-known Bible teacher and preacher says many Christians don't truly understand and appreciate spiritual gifts. Full Story...
Thinking Biblically is Teens' Only Protection Against Media Assault
May 25, 2004
A very shy, young man about 16 years old approached our display table where we had books and Christian music CDs for sale. When my assistant asked what kind of music he enjoyed, he meekly responded, "Whatever my mother wants." He wasn't kidding! Here was a young man who looked old enough to drive, but he didn't have an opinion that differed from hi... Full Story...
Religious Freedom Victory: Legal Advocates Defend Muslim Student's Right to Wear Head Covering
May 25, 2004
According to a settlement agreement, an Oklahoma school district is paying an undisclosed sum and changing its dress code to allow a sixth-grade girl to wear her Muslim head scarf. Full Story...
Religious Freedom Defender Calls State Agency's Censorship 'Intolerable'
May 25, 2004
A public employee in California is suing his employer, claiming the state has singled him out for discrimination because of his Christian faith. Full Story...