Ministry Takes Christian Compassion, Critical Aid to Russian Region
May 19, 2004
An ongoing Christian outreach to the people of the former Soviet Union is about to kick into high gear. This summer hundreds of U.S. mission volunteers will head to various parts of Russia as part of Operation Carelift, an outreach of Josh McDowell Ministries. Full Story...Religious Freedom Defender Wants Equal Treatment for Christian Student Club
May 19, 2004
The threat of a federal lawsuit has prompted a New Hampshire high school to permit a Christian student club on campus. However, an attorney representing the Christian group says the school may still be engaging in viewpoint discrimination. Full Story...
Mass. Governor Orders Look at Out-of-State Marriage Applications
May 19, 2004
The governor of Massachusetts appears to be making good on a pledge to crack down on the state's clerks who are granting marriage licenses to out-of-state homosexuals. Full Story...
Group Says Television Violence a 'Bloodbath'
May 19, 2004
Over the four-year period from 1998 to 2002, the amount of television violence on the six major broadcast networks increased dramatically, according to a major media watchdog group. Full Story...
Murdered Rapper's 'Puerile Scribblings' on Summertime Reading List
May 19, 2004
When some public school kids in Massachusetts return to school in the fall and are asked what they did this summer, the answer may be: "I read a book by Tupac Shakur." Full Story...
Churches, Schools Beneficiaries of Liability Ruling in California
May 19, 2004
The California Supreme Court has ruled to protect schools and churches from unforeseen liability. The case stems from a tragic accident that occurred on a church playground. Full Story...
Be Careful, Little Eyes ...
May 19, 2004
Olivia Hartsell loves having her parents read to her. The Wilmington, North Carolina, first-grader has begun taking advantage of the school library, bringing home books she chooses. Full Story...
Christian Reviewer Warns New Movie 'Saved' Makes Mockery of Faith
May 18, 2004
A Christian film and television reviewer and pro-family advocate is warning moviegoers about a new film being marketed in the guise of a Christian teen comedy. But the media expert says audiences need to be aware that this film is not what it seems. Full Story...
Bush, Pro-Family Conservatives Re-Emphasize Need for Marriage Amendment
May 18, 2004
Conservative and Christian activists are saying the legalization of homosexual "marriage" in Massachusetts demonstrates the urgent need for a Federal Marriage Amendment that would protect marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Full Story...
Media, Liberal Pols Charged with Painting One-Sided Picture of Iraqi War
May 18, 2004
A Washington, DC-based media watchdog organization says it is clear that the mainstream media is more concerned with getting George W. Bush out of office than it is in helping the war effort. And one conservative icon pins that same label on many of the politicians in the nation's capital. Full Story...
Texas Group Laments School's Decision to Give In on Same-Sex Issue
May 18, 2004
A pro-family group in Texas says by yielding to pressure from a liberal special-interest group and shelving its policy prohibiting same-sex prom dates, a school in that state is placing political correctness above the welfare of its students. Full Story...
Author Points Grads to Exciting Journey With God
May 18, 2004
An attorney and former teacher is encouraging Christians graduating from either high school or college to utilize biblical principals to find their true calling and service to the Lord. Full Story...