Back to School: New Backpacks, New Jeans--New Pressures on Kids
August 11, 2007
"As your kids are preparing for going back to school, don't let the busyness of shopping for new jeans and school supplies make you miss the incredible opportunity - and responsibility - you have to prepare your teen spiritually and emotionally, too," advises Dr. Walt Mueller, a nationally-recognized expert on youth culture, and founder and president of the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding. Full Story...Persecution of Christians Increasing, but Most Americans Unaware
August 11, 2007
Christians continue to be martyred abroad, but few American believers are aware of how pervasive religious persecution is around the world. "Christians in this nation don't realize how fortunate they are to live in the U.S.," observes Jim Jacobson, president of Christian Freedom International. Full Story...
A Daughter's Heart Cry
August 9, 2007
Ajaib was at her wits' end when she came to GFA missionary Mahtab for prayer. This 30-year-old woman lives in Punjab, India, where she is an active member of a GFA-affiliated church. However, she was worried about her family. Full Story...
Quiet Young Man Becomes Bold Witness
August 9, 2007
Ravi was a quiet, unassuming young man. Like millions of other young husbands throughout India, he worked hard at his construction job, so he could provide for his family. People noticed that Ravi did not talk much. That was due to the fact that he had a very soft voice that sounded like it had never fully developed. Full Story...
World Congress of Families Outraged by UN Committee's Pro-Abortion Bullying
August 9, 2007
The World Congress of Families is outraged by recent attempts of The United Nations Committee on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) to intimidate nations that protect the unborn. Full Story...
Crouse Wins Advocacy Award for Promoting Abstinence Until Marriage
August 9, 2007
The Abstinence Clearinghouse presented its "Advocacy Award" to Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse at its recent national convention. Dr. Crouse is Director and Senior Fellow of the Beverly LaHaye Institute, the think tank for Concerned Women for America. Full Story...
Montgomery County Public Schools Say Yes to Anal Sex, Homosexuality, Bisexuality, and Transvestitism
August 9, 2007
A public school district's program promoting anal sex, homosexuality, bisexuality, and transvestitism as normal sexual variations was recently approved by the Maryland State Board of Education despite strenuous opposition from several pro-family groups. Full Story...
New study finds even pastors are 'Too busy for God'
August 8, 2007
Almost six out of every 10 Christians around the world feel their hectic schedule prevents them from spending more time with God. And when it comes to pastors, the statistics are just as sobering, a new survey reveals. Full Story...
Revival Conference: A Sincere Plea for Genuine Revival
August 8, 2007
Will God send another great awakening? Can revival still change nations? These are the questions that Greg Gordon, a 27 year old Bible student from Toronto, Ontario, earnestly seeks answers for. Full Story...
Four Priests Arrested in China
August 8, 2007
Three Catholic priests who had been in hiding in Inner Mongolia were located by Chinese security police on July 24 and arrested for refusing to join the government-approved Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association, according to the Cardinal Kung Foundation. Full Story...
Egyptian Surgeon Held Hostage by Saudi Government Due to his Christian Faith; Saudis Refuse to Grant Exit Visa After Discovering he's Christian
August 8, 2007
The Washington-DC based human rights group, International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that an Egyptian Christian working in Saudi Arabia as a surgeon has been repeatedly blocked from going home for over two years. The Saudi government has intentionally run him in circles, promising he can leave, then refusing to let him go. Full Story...
Sudan Divestment Bill Passed in House of Representatives by Overwhelming Majority-Prohibits Federal Contracts and Authorizes States to Divest From Offending Companies
August 8, 2007
The House of Representatives today passed H.R. 180, the Darfur Accountability and Divestment Act of 2007, by an overwhelming majority of 418 to 1. Sponsored by Rep. Barbara Lee and co-sponsored by 130 members of the House of Representatives, this bill will authorize and protect states that divest from the culpable companies that support the genocidal government of Sudan and refuse to change their behavior. Full Story...