Polly Awards Reveal Higher Learning's Lower Moments
April 6, 2004
A campus watchdog group has unveiled its annual Campus Outrage Awards for the worst abuses of tax dollars, the egregious instances of political correctness, and the most blatant suppressions of free speech to be found at U.S. educational institutions. Full Story...ABC's Latest 'Jesus' Special Denigrates Christianity, Groups Say
April 6, 2004
This likely comes as no surprise to most believers, but the mainstream media's presentation of Christianity is seldom offered in a positive light. The "left" or "liberal" view of the faith tends to be given more credibility and the "conservative" interpretation often gets short shrift. Interestingly, the ABC network -- which offered up another bias... Full Story...
Ollie North Fears Terror Attack on U.S. Soil Imminent
April 5, 2004
One of America's foremost military pundits says he fears terrorists were clearly emboldened by what happened in the recent Spanish elections. Consequently, he believes the United States is the next logical target for a major terrorist hit. Full Story...
AARP Mag: A Little Porn's a Good Thing
April 5, 2004
An American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) magazine reader seeking advice on whether she should be concerned that her husband is viewing pornography online was told she should not be concerned. Full Story...
Campus Judicial Group Passes Protective Free Speech Measure
April 5, 2004
The nation's largest professional association of campus judicial administrators has passed a significant resolution on campus free speech. Full Story...
LifeWay Consults Culture Experts to Quash Critics' Quarrels with VBS Curriculum
April 5, 2004
A spokesman for LifeWay Christian Resources says this year's vacation Bible school program has received a few complaints about the theme of the teaching materials. This year's theme is "LifeWay's Far Out Far East Rickshaw Rally: Racing to the Son." Full Story...
Catholic College in PA Challenged for its Apparent Pro-Homosexual Stance
April 5, 2004
The head of a Pennsylvania traditional values group is calling on a Catholic college to uphold the biblical truth about homosexuality. Full Story...
Speakers Urge Dallas Ten Commandments Rally Crowd to Action
April 5, 2004
This past weekend the president of a ministry that seeks to call America back to its godly heritage was in Dallas, Texas, along with other prominent speakers, for a rally to defend religious liberty. Saturday's four-hour Ten Commandments rally drew thousands of concerned Christians to the Dallas County Convention Center for speeches, music, and sem... Full Story...
Believe It or Not: Mexico Sending Aid to Los Angeles School District
April 5, 2004
A conservative group is concerned about a new partnership between the Los Angeles Unified School District and the Mexican government aimed at improving educational achievement among Latino students. Full Story...
Former Jerusalem Official Says Israel Must Keep Building Security Fence
April 2, 2004
Former police chief of Jerusalem Aryeh Amit says while the Israeli government does not like the idea of erecting a security fence to keep Palestinian terrorists out, it is a necessary tool to protect his country's citizens. Full Story...
ECUSA Bishops Widening Rift, Anglican Theologian Says
April 2, 2004
A conservative Anglican theologian says the Episcopal Church USA's House of Bishops could have helped heal the rift in the denomination, but instead has chosen to make things considerably worse. Full Story...
Ministry Provides China's Persecuted Christians With Teaching Materials For Youth
April 2, 2004
An international ministry to the persecuted Church has a goal of providing one million pieces of Christian children's literature to China this year. Full Story...