Texas MegaChurch Feeds Multitudes With Gospel Message
March 5, 2004
The pastor of the largest church in America says "where there's life, victory, and God's blessings, you're going to have crowds." Full Story...Mayor in NY Charged for Performing Homosexual Marriages
March 4, 2004
A national public interest law firm has filed two separate lawsuits against the mayor of a small New York town in an effort to stop him from conducting illegal homosexual marriages. Full Story...
Senators Hear from Marriage Amendment Supporters
March 4, 2004
A Senate panel has heard warnings about what legalized homosexual "marriages" could mean for Bible-believing churches. But one Democrat on the subcommittee hosting the hearing says the contention that traditional marriage is under attack is false. Full Story...
Mid-East Expert: Human Rights Offenders Have No Right Judging Israel
March 4, 2004
An Israeli Middle East expert says several Islamic countries that gave briefs to the International Court of Justice against Israel's security wall should be hauled in front of the court themselves for numerous human rights violations. Full Story...
Financial Advisor: Christians Are Managers, Not Owners of God's Resources
March 4, 2004
A financial coach says Christians need to have a better understanding of biblical principles when it comes to money management. Unfortunately, he says, too many believers have been lured into the trap of materialism. Full Story...
States Need Not Fear Bush's Signature Education Law, DOE Advisor Says
March 4, 2004
The counselor to the U.S. Secretary of Education has an explanation for the opposition from state legislators and school administrators to President Bush's signature education initiative. Full Story...
Community Slams Porn Store's Door
March 4, 2004
Selling allegedly obscene material is a felony in Louisiana, and one parish has gone on record saying smut is not welcome within its borders. Full Story...
Black Conservative Condemns Linking Homosexual Agenda with Civil Rights
March 4, 2004
A prominent black conservative says he is not surprised that liberal black lawmakers are thwarting the efforts of several states to get Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) laws or amendments passed. Full Story...
GOP Congressman Says Some U.S. Cities Flaunting Immigration Laws
March 3, 2004
A Republican congressman wants Attorney General John Ashcroft to crack down on so-called "sanctuary cities" that forbid their local law enforcement officers from assisting in the apprehension of illegal aliens. Full Story...
End Times Expert Explains How Islam's Ancient Grudge Affects Everyone
March 3, 2004
A best-selling author says Americans should understand that the ongoing war against Islamic terrorism is a fulfillment of biblical prophecy and dates back some 4,000 years. Full Story...
Student Paper Publishes Porn; School Shrugs, Prof Protests
March 3, 2004
An instructor at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff is taking school officials to task for their apathy over an obscene sex column in a student newspaper. Full Story...
Atlanta-Based Ministry Trains, Equips Emerging Leaders in Iraqi Church
March 3, 2004
Iraq's newfound freedom of religion has created an urgent need in the Middle East nation's emerging underground Church. Full Story...