Buckeye State Poised to Become 38th State to Enact Defense of Marriage Act
January 22, 2004
Members of Ohio's Senate have joined with those in the House in giving approval to a bill that would ban same-sex "marriages." Should the bill become law, Ohio would become the 38th state in the nation to enact a Defense of Marriage Act -- a critical number for those who are pushing for a Federal Marriage Amendment. Full Story...Public School Denies Christian Student's Observation Request
January 22, 2004
A student at a Christian school in Tennessee was recently barred from visiting a local public high school. Full Story...
Habitat Founder Building More Than Just Houses
January 22, 2004
The founder of Habitat for Humanity says he doesn't plan to ease up on his calling to end poverty housing in the world. Millard Fuller says his main goal is not to build houses, but to build human character. Full Story...
Michigan Senate Says Theology Students Should Retain State Scholarships
January 22, 2004
Students could major in theology and still qualify for state scholarships under bills that have passed the Michigan Senate. Full Story...
Exchange Rates Directly Affecting Mission Work
January 22, 2004
The devaluation of the U.S. dollar overseas is having a big impact on missionaries. Full Story...
California Bill Friendly to Churches Would Ease Some Litigation, Attorney Says
January 22, 2004
A proposed bill in the California legislature would ease the burden on churches wishing to relocate or expand. Full Story...
Bush Addresses the State of Marriage, Warns 'Activist Judges'
January 21, 2004
In his State of the Union message on Tuesday night, President Bush touched on many of the issues pro-family groups feel are critical for families in America. Most -- but not all -- of those groups were pleased how the president handled the issue of a Federal Marriage Amendment that would protect marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Full Story...
Author Offers Up Antidote for Modern Dilemma of 'Crowded Loneliness'
January 21, 2004
A Texas pastor says it is possible for Christians to have meaningful relationships in today's chaotic society. Full Story...
Study: Liberal Professors Suppress Opposing Views in Class
January 21, 2004
A new study reaffirms what conservatives have been saying for years about the political ideologies of university professors in the classroom. Full Story...
'Intellectual Diversity' the Remedy for Campus Liberal Bias, Educator Says
January 21, 2004
A history professor at a public university in the Northeast is concerned about the lack of intellectual diversity on his and other campuses across the U.S. Full Story...
10 Ways to Increase Your Credit Score and Save Money
January 21, 2004
Credit Scoring. It's one of the deep, dark secrets of our modern financial world. While millions of Americans know they have a "credit report," few understand what it means. Even more, if you aren't careful, new, high-tech credit scoring processes will hammer you with higher pricing for your home, car, insurance, and other consumer items. Full Story...
Operation Daniel Takes on Adult Business
January 21, 2004
When the "Lion's Den" opened its adult toy and video store in Abilene, Kansas, last September, little did they know the opposition would be so relentless. Full Story...