Nativity Case a Political 'Hot Potato' for Palm Beach
January 15, 2004
The chief counsel with the Thomas More Law Center says a federal lawsuit against a Florida city over its refusal to allow a Nativity scene to be displayed alongside a Jewish menorah is having political ramifications. Full Story...Legal Group: Park Service May Face Litigation If Creationist Book Moved
January 15, 2004
Controversy over a book about a flood has generated another type of deluge -- thousands of e-mails to the National Park Service. Full Story...
Pro-Family Advocates: Bush's Marriage Initiative Just a Step, Not a Solution
January 15, 2004
Pro-family groups are applauding the news that President Bush is planning a "Healthy Marriages" Initiative. But they also hope he will take that initiative even further. Full Story...
Activist Wants Justice For Harassed Campus Conservative
January 15, 2004
A California public high school is being accused of violating the civil rights of a conservative Christian student. Full Story...
Outraged Public is Demanding FCC Reverse 'F-Word' Ruling
January 15, 2004
The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission has recommended that a ruling which allowed the use of an all too well-known four-letter word be overturned. Full Story...
Conservative Pundit Says Offering Illegal Aliens Social Security Will Cost Boomers
January 14, 2004
A pro-family activist and former presidential candidate says Baby Boomers have every right to be concerned about reports that the Bush Administration is looking into the idea of allowing illegal aliens to collect Social Security benefits in connection with the president's new "guest worker program." Full Story...
FCC Chairman Calls for Reversal of Agency's 'F-Word' Ruling
January 14, 2004
A pro-family group is applauding word from the Federal Communications Commission that it is going to reconsider and perhaps overturn its earlier ruling in which it stated that use of an expletive, in certain context, does not violate broadcast indecency laws. Full Story...
Pro-Lifers Say NJ's New Law Permits Human Cloning, Mandates Killing Babies
January 14, 2004
New Jersey's cloning law is now in effect and it has no shortage of critics. Among the latest are the Christian Medical and Dental Associations and several pro-life advocates who contend that this legislation gives legal sanction to a culture of death. Full Story...
Attorney Claims Homosexual Students Often Incite Reactions on Campus
January 14, 2004
A Christian attorney says homosexual groups are teaching student activists in public schools to use provocative behavior to goad other students into acting hostilely toward them. Full Story...
NC School District Endorses 'Abstinence Until Marriage' for Sex Ed
January 14, 2004
A large North Carolina school district has dumped its comprehensive sex-education program. Full Story...
Jews for Jesus Spokesman: Groups Opposing Jewish Evangelism Have Duped Church
January 14, 2004
A Messianic Jewish ministry is warning Evangelical Christians not to let attempts to prevent evangelism of Jews keep believers from sharing the gospel with the Jewish community. Full Story...
Network TV Continues to Lose Viewers
January 14, 2004
As prime-time network television continues to degenerate in terms of objectionable content, viewers continue to abandon network TV. Are the two trends connected? Full Story...