Candy-Toting Kindergartner's Case Appealed to High Court
January 8, 2004
A civil liberties group has appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of a kindergarten student whose religious expression was censored by his New Jersey school. Full Story...Voters in Massachusetts Want a Say in Protecting Traditional Marriage
January 8, 2004
A new poll shows the courts and the people of Massachusetts have a very different view on legalizing homosexual "marriage." Full Story...
Warping the Word
January 8, 2004
In 2003 the Episcopal Church consecrated as bishop of New Hampshire an openly homosexual man, triggering an all-out intra-denominational war between conservatives and liberals that mirrors conflicts in other Protestant churches. Full Story...
Book of Revelation Answers the Question: 'Who Will Conquer?'
January 7, 2004
While many books have been written about the last book of the Bible, one author says there is a basic, profound message in the Book of Revelation. Full Story...
'Shadow Pastoring' Safest Bet for Christian Missionaries in Iraq
January 7, 2004
A Christian missionary home on furlough from his assignment in the Middle East believes American missionaries should continue to stay in the background in Iraq to protect Christian believers there. Full Story...
Plan to Mollify Dissenting ECUSA Congregations Internally a 'Fantasy,' Journalist Says
January 7, 2004
A Christian journalist and lifelong Episcopalian is criticizing the ECUSA's presiding bishop for his treatment of congregations that oppose the denomination's unscriptural actions. Full Story...
'Under God' Does Not Establish Religion, Attorney Says
January 7, 2004
The president of a Christian legal group says a decision this year by the Supreme Court regarding the constitutionality of the phrase "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance will have far-reaching ramifications on religious freedom in the United States. Full Story...
College Student Cites Inappropriate Actions of Liberal Profs in Class
January 7, 2004
Students at one Colorado college are attempting to expose what they call "overbearing liberalism" on their campus. One of those students has even filed a formal complaint against one of his professors over her censorship of conservatives. Full Story...
Grand Canyon 'Coffee Table' Book Too Controversial for Evolutionists
January 7, 2004
Last year, officials at the Grand Canyon decided plaques with quotations from the Book of Psalms had no place in a national park. That decision was later overturned and is now under review. But now, apparently, a book's alternative view on how the Canyon was created is too "religious" for some prominent evolutionists who want it removed from bookst... Full Story...
Professional Cager a Prolific Christ-Praiser
January 7, 2004
Michelle Snow, center for the Women's National Basketball Association's Houston Comets, is not one to wear her emotions on her sleeve. The six-foot-five-inch Snow, however, is not ashamed to display the source of her blessings while she runs the court during her games. Full Story...
Michigan-Based Ministry Aids Victims of Bam Earthquake
January 6, 2004
A U.S. based ministry is coming alongside Iranian Christians to offer much needed help in the aftermath of last month's deadly earthquake. Full Story...
Voice of the Martyrs: Immediate Future Bleak for Christians in Iran
January 6, 2004
An organization dedicated to helping the persecuted Church is not optimistic about the plight of Christians in Iran in 2004. Full Story...