Gibson's 'Passion': The Greatest Story Ever Told, Like You've Never Seen It Before
January 21, 2004
Silence. Absolute stunned silence. Not even a whisper. Only an intermittent sniffle and a few deep sighs. That was the reaction of 50 or so guests and journalists, including myself, who watched a private screening in Washington, D C, of an unfinished version of The Passion of Christ, produced by actor Mel Gibson. Full Story...Bauer, Perkins: Iowans Reject Dean's Angry Style, Liberal Ideas
January 20, 2004
Some political advisors are saying after Monday night's Iowa caucuses, it's time to "put a fork" in Howard Dean -- because "he's done." But despite the apparent rejection of his campaign rhetoric by Iowans, the former Vermont governor plans to forge ahead into friendlier waters in New England. Full Story...
Prestigious Law School Under Investigation for Alleged Reverse Discrimination
January 20, 2004
The U.S. Department of Education is investigating Seton Hall Law School for allegedly discriminating against white law students. Full Story...
Iraqi Christians Have Pessimistic Future Outlook
January 20, 2004
An international Christian organization believes that Iraqi Christians will have at most a two-year window to operate in the open before an Islamic government assumes power and forces those believers underground. Full Story...
Pro-Family Forces Urged to Join Congressman's Campaign Against Broadcast Profanity
January 20, 2004
A Christian e-mail campaign is encouraging pro-family activists to throw their support behind the efforts of a California congressman who is trying to ban expletives on television and radio. Full Story...
Proclaiming Truth About Homosexuality Gets Group Booted from Campus
January 20, 2004
Two mild-mannered pro-family activists have been barred from an Illinois university campus after being railed against by homosexual students and faculty members who accused them of "hate speech." Full Story...
Pro-Family Advocates Hope Bush Will State Support for Traditional Unions
January 20, 2004
When President Bush delivers his State of the Union speech Tuesday night, pro-family groups will be listening closely for his comments on marriage. Full Story...
Family Matters: Protecting Marriage, Defending the Unborn Among Congress' Focus in 2004
January 20, 2004
At least three important pieces of legislation tied to family values will be in front of Congress in 2004. And, with this year being an election year, it is more than likely presidential candidates and others will weigh in heavily on these issues. Full Story...
Education Expert: NEA Campaign Will Harm Charter Schools
January 19, 2004
A former Assistant U.S. Education Secretary is decrying a National Education Association campaign to entrench itself in California charter schools Full Story...
Christian Leaders Say Increased Funding Will Help Combat AIDS If Spent Properly
January 19, 2004
A number of Christian voices are calling for expanded U.S. funding next year for the Global AIDS Initiative. Full Story...
Pro-Commandments Groups Active on Legislative Fronts
January 19, 2004
A public-interest legal organization is about to launch an effort that, if successful, would mandate the display of the Ten Commandments in state buildings. Full Story...
Pro-Family Groups Roundly Applaud Pickering Appointment
January 19, 2004
It is a move conservatives had hoped for more than two years ago. On Friday President Bush exercised his presidential power in appointing Judge Charles Pickering to a seat on the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans while Congress is in recess. Full Story...