Chinese Christians Compelled to Evangelize Muslims, Journalist Says
December 5, 2003
The former Beijing bureau chief for a major U.S. magazine says he is truly amazed at how China's growing Christian community is committed to the people of Israel. Full Story...Colorado Senator Condemns Court Decision Overturning School Choice Law
December 5, 2003
The president of the Colorado Senate says a district court ruling declaring the state's school voucher program unconstitutional is "wrongheaded" and adversely affects black and Hispanic students in failing public schools. Full Story...
Christian Law Firm Wants to Stop Secularist 'Grinches' from Stealing Christmas
December 5, 2003
A Florida Christian legal firm has launched a nationwide campaign to prevent blatant religious discrimination during the holidays. Full Story...
Pro-Family Activist Says Safe-Sex Myth Hurts AIDS Prevention Effort
December 5, 2003
A conservative activist says the various agencies fighting AIDS still refuse to discard the one tool that is doing more harm than good. Full Story...
Federal Judge Denies Pro-Homosexual Groups Friend-of-Court Status in Michigan Suit
December 5, 2003
Supporters of so-called "domestic partner" benefits have suffered a legal setback in Michigan. Full Story...
House Committee, Members Holding FCC Accountable for 'Obscenity' Ruling
December 5, 2003
Scores of elected officials in Congress are, in effect, calling the FCC on the carpet for its recent decision that use of the "f-word" over the public airwaves does not constitute indecency or obscenity. Representatives of the Federal Communication Commission met on Thursday with members of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, which oversees... Full Story...
A&F Boycotter Reluctant to Believe Retailer's Rationale for Yanking Sleazy 'Magalog'
December 4, 2003
A pro-family advocate who has led the fight against a clothing company's pornographic catalog says he is taking a "wait-and-see" attitude about their decision to pull the publication from their stores. Full Story...
January Pastors' Conference in Florida Expected to Attract Thousands
December 4, 2003
A ministry based in Florida is trying to stem the tide of pastors who are leaving their vocation. Full Story...
Pro-Family Activist Calls 'Queer-Safe Campus Bathroom Initiative' Lunacy
December 4, 2003
The University of Chicago ( is mulling over the idea of building more gender-neutral bathrooms on its campus. Full Story...
Pro-Faith Firm Sues City for Violating Seniors' Religious Freedom
December 4, 2003
A Texas city is the target of a government investigation after senior citizens at a public center were forbidden to exercise their religious freedom. Full Story...
Author Says Liberal Elites Have Given God a Pink Slip
December 4, 2003
An author and syndicated radio talk-show host says liberal elites in the U.S. are so convinced society does not need God that they have fired him. Full Story...
Clergy Abuse Survivors Advocate Calls For Lutheran Leader's Removal
December 4, 2003
A national victims group is accusing the head of the Sexuality Task Force of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) of covering up clergy pedophilia in his denomination. Full Story...