Author Says True Reverence Requires Right View of God
October 6, 2004
A Christian songwriter and performer says it is time for believers to rediscover true reverence in the act of worship. Full Story...Indiana Professor Accused of Bias, Intolerance of Non-Pacifist Ideology
October 6, 2004
A conservative student at Ball State University is accusing the school of ignoring his complaints of liberal bias in the classroom. Full Story...
California Petition Targets 'Sexual Indoctrination' in Public Schools
October 6, 2004
A new state petition seeks to prohibit the homosexual and transsexual indoctrination of children in California's elementary schools. The initiative would also ban such instruction in junior high and high school unless parents provide written permission. Full Story...
Pro-Family Leader: Same-Sex Marriage Lobby Getting Worried
October 6, 2004
A race is under way to determine which of nine states will follow Massachusetts' lead in legalizing homosexual "marriage." A leading pro-family advocate says homosexual activists have launched a major campaign to legalize homosexual marriage in these states for a number of key reasons. Full Story...
Nativity Scene Supporters Win Trojan War in Michigan
October 6, 2004
After a ten-month battle, a city in Michigan has agreed to allow a religious-themed Christmas display on public property. Full Story...
Here Comes the Judge ... There Go the People
October 6, 2004
Four out of almost every five voters who cast a ballot in Louisiana's September 18 referendum on a constitutional amendment protecting traditional marriage voted in favor of the amendment. But one judge in the Bayou State has now overruled the 619,908 Louisiana residents who believe marriage should be the union of one man and one woman. Full Story...
Manufacturers Say Dems' Edwards Hostile to American Business
October 6, 2004
During Tuesday night's debate with his GOP counterpart, Democratic vice-presidential candidate John Edwards tried to convince Americans the country would benefit by putting him and John Kerry in the White House. A national industrial organization didn't need to listen -- they are convinced Edwards has already demonstrated his hostility toward Ameri... Full Story...
Audit Shows Federal Education Funds Misused by DC Officials
October 5, 2004
An audit of Washington, DC's State Education Office has uncovered criminal conduct by several employees. Full Story...
Louisiana Judge Tosses Out State Vote Protecting Marriage
October 5, 2004
An official with the American Family Association says although the Marriage Protection Amendment fell short of the required 290 votes in the U.S. House last week, the battle is still on -- for good reason. After all, when one judge can overrule 78 percent of a state's voters, it shows the need for a federal constitutional amendment to protect trad... Full Story...
Ministry Watchdog Calls for TBN to Submit to Investigation
October 5, 2004
A North Carolina group that monitors the finances of more than 500 Christian nonprofits is calling for the founders of the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) to step aside while a panel of Christian leaders investigates its finances. Full Story...
Study Shows School Choice Program Outperforming Public Schools
October 5, 2004
A new study finds a large gap between the graduation rates of students in Milwaukee, Wisconsin's private school voucher program and students attending the city's public schools. Full Story...
Pro-life Picketer Wins Free-Speech Dispute in Wisconsin
October 5, 2004
A Wisconsin pro-life activist arrested for peacefully protesting outside a Planned Parenthood clinic has won a court battle with his town involving the carrying of signs on public sidewalks. Full Story...